Okay, I'd like to do a new release, but with the beginning of the semester, I could use a bit of assistance with a few things. Here are the release-critical things that I won't be able to do alone (ordered by severity): * Fix clisp build failure: message "pointer-butt missing (mcclim 0.9.2)" by Eric Y. Kow, 2006-06-09: I lack a clisp setup. * Test current CVS on non-SBCL and non-ACL. CMUCL is a good candidate (: (Of course, testing on SBCL and ACL is always welcome, too!) The rest looks pretty ok, AFAICT. But if you want to help with any of the following, you're welcome: * Fix the X server memory/resource leak when using double-buffering and mcclim-freetype. * Find a way to make mcclim asdf-installable that makes all contribs/Apps/Experimental systems available right away. * Improve performance in incremental redisplay (; Thanks!, -- Andreas Fuchs, (http://|im:asf@|mailto:asf@)boinkor.net, antifuchs