On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:25 AM, <rm@tuxteam.de> wrote:
Well, the wheel buttons are used in panes.lisp (for scrolling), so maybe you could just test scrolling with the mouse wheel. Thinking of it: maybe your application pane inherits from mouse-wheel-scroll-mixin and somehow the scroll event gets eaten by that class' dispatch-event ...
That's correct. In McCLIM, the superclasses of application-pane are clim-stream-pane, cut-and-paste-mixin, and mouse-wheel-scroll-mixin. McCLIM arranges the classes with the expectation that most users want mouse wheel scrolling (and other features not explicitly mentioned by the spec), so the wheel scrolling mixin was incorporated by application-pane and interactor-pane, allowing users with unusual needs to instead inherit from clim-stream-pane. In retrospect, I should also have included an initarg in each such mixin to disable the feature. I can't guarantee there isn't some other reason why using a wheel button as a gesture might fail (having never tried it myself), but bypassing the wheel scrolling code is necessary.