Hello, As known, there are two major CLIM references - the annotateable CLIM spec hosted by Gilbert Baumann, and the CLIM User's Guide by Franz. The former covers CLIM 2.0 and the latter CLIM 2.2, but which of these should be considered canonical in McCLIM? As far as I know, CLIM 2.2 is clearer in some areas, and fills holes that are weirdly ambiguous, inconsistent or hopelessly un[der]specified in CLIM 2.0. McCLIM already implements some CLIM 2.2 features (not all, though it should be fairly trivial to add them). As I am easily dazzled by comparatively large numbers, my opinion is that we should try to support CLIM 2.2; but what has been McCLIM's "official" position so far? The first amusing issue is how to handle the :SCROLL-BARS argument to `make-clim-stream-pane' and the `open-window-stream' functions. In CLIM 2.0, `make-clim-stream-pane' takes an argument of type (member T :HORIZONTAL :VERTICAL NIL), while `open-window-stream' takes an argument of type (member :BOTH :HORIZONTAL :VERTICAL NIL). In CLIM 2.2, these functions have been unified to both take an argument of type (member :BOTH :HORIZONTAL :VERTICAL NIL), so I believe that this was mostly an oversight in CLIM 2.0. It would be easy to add code to handle both :BOTH and T (and make them synonyms), or to emit a warning for T. What would be preferable? -- \ Troels "Athas" /\ Henriksen