Quoting Jack Unrue (jdunrue@gmail.com):
I've uploaded a snapshot of my work on a McCLIM backend for Windows:
Thanks for writing this! Which Lisp implementation are you using for development? I just tried SBCL 1.0 on Windows 2000. Demodemo appears as a window, but window contents do not get drawn, so the buttons are not visible. and the address book just says: fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 832: GC invariant lost, file "gencgc.c", line 833
My overall plan was to use existing abstractions provided by Graphic-Forms on top of the Win32 API rather than re-implement that infrastructure. Package nicknames GFG: GFS: and GFW: identify symbols exported from that library.
Sure, using Graphic-Forms seems like a good plan. I would like to suggest this patch for mcclim.asd and ports.lisp instead of the file replacements from your zip file: http://www.lichteblau.com/blubba/clim-gf.diff Diffs are easier to apply than complete copies of the files, and if you are using CVS, line endings should be handled automatically for you. My diff also cleans up *server-path-search-order* and adds a comment explaining the chosen order. -- If anyone actually has a Genera backend, please speak up! ;-) David