On 7/7/06, Troels Henriksen <athas@sigkill.dk> wrote:
The current implementation of `menu-choose' lacks a fair bunch of spec-defined functionality (labels, some menu item types, scrollbars), and it often creates menus that are larger than the screen, or partially off-screen. This patch rectifies these problems - I have been running with it for 6+ months and it has worked perfectly, even though some of the code is not the prettiest in the world (my CLIM-fu has been weak). There should be no functionality regressions compared to the current version.
Sounds good, but I still think we should really get rid of menu-choose.lisp at some point and reuse the implementation of menus in menu.lisp, which is (was?) much more complete. It seems silly maintaining two separate implementation of menus. It might be that some of menu-choose.lisp never really goes away due to the need to support menu-choose-from-drawer, but it is much lower level and does not need to need to understand CLIM menu items anyway.
I know that McCLIM is currently in a freeze period, but this patch has been lying on my harddrive for too long - others may find it useful, and I would like it to be cleaned up (if necessary) so it could be included in some future release. :-)
You raise an interesting question - is McCLIM still in freeze? I've been proceeding as though it were not, as no one is actively working toward preparing a release.