Hopefully posting gtkairo bugs is not punishable :-) Both of those are in fresh cvs mcclim, and both of those do not seem to happen with CLX. 1. Redraw stops in tabdemo when i click the rightmost tab, and then the "C" tab 2. The following short program illustrates that :min-width/height is not respected: (define-application-frame tabdemo () () (:menu-bar tabdemo-menubar) (:panes (a :text-editor :value "Hello World from page A" :min-height 100 :min-width 100)) (:layouts (default (vertically () (with-tab-layout ('tab-page :name 'tabdemo-layout :height 200) ("A" a)))))) (define-tabdemo-command (com-quit-tabdemo :menu t) () (frame-exit *application-frame*)) (make-command-table 'tabdemo-menu :errorp nil :menu '(("later on" :command com-quit-tabdemo))) (make-command-table 'tabdemo-menubar :errorp nil :menu '(("menu" :menu tabdemo-menu))) (defun tabdemo () (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'tabdemo))) (defun sane-find-pane-named (frame name) (find name (climi::frame-named-panes frame) :key #'pane-name :test #'string-equal)) (defun tabdemo-layout () (sane-find-pane-named *application-frame* 'tabdemo-layout)) regards, Samium Gromoff