On 17/05/07, Knut Olav Bøhmer bohmer@gmail.com wrote:
But why should I not use presentations? What are presentation-types related to what I'm doing?
I have ended up using presentations. Now I'm trying to move the objects, but the objects don't "stick" to the new place..
Here is the relevant part of my code.
(define-presentation-to-command-translator move-place-translator (place com-move-place simulation :documentation "Move the place") (presentation x y) (list presentation x y))
(define-simulation-command (com-move-place) ((place 'place) (x 'real) (y 'real)) (erase-output-record place *standard-output*) (setf (output-record-position place) (drag-output-record *standard-output* place :finish-on-release t)))