Hullo from Greg Bennett who is running under Clozure "Version 1.11-r16810M (LinuxX8664)" I am using the code from the CLIM 2.2.2 User Guide to get a window (*test-frame*) and its associated pane (*test-pane*). Now I'm trying to set the position of the pointer in that pane. Once I've done this, I can them do things such draw-line from this position to another one. As far as I can see I need to use the material in CH 15: Manipulating the pointer in CLIM. So I have done this: (setf pprt (port-pointer (port *test-pane*))) -> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-POINTER #x302003B9750D> (setf zpt (make-point 100 100)) Currently (pointer-position pprt) -> NIL P283-4 suggests I should be able to do something like the following: (pointer-set-position pprt 100 100) -> Evaluation aborted on #<CCL::UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-CALL #x..>. telling me that pointer-set-position in undefined. (setf (pointer-position pprt) zpt) also returns an error: no method for setf on pointer-position. I poked about in the CLIM Spec to no avail, perhaps because my approach is a wrong one. Thx for any and all advice and assistance. Cheers /GB