kr <kr@n-a-n-o.com> writes:
Robert Strandh writes:
It is a totally different project in my opinion. To improve the current code, the owner needs to know both the spec and the code. To improve the spec, only a limited amount of knowledge of the code is required.
could you please say more about which particular aspects of mcclim need to be improved in what ways ?
I am not a McCLIM implementor and I don't know the details of architectural changes. As a user, I would like a fully working ACCEPTING-VALUES, with real gadget views and :OWN-WINDOW t (i.e. for creating dialogs). I would also appreciate improvements to the PostScript backend, more specifically better management of page margins (in most cases the output is cropped at the margins). Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log