I'm trying to display various gadgets in a scrolling stream pane. As the attached file hopefully demonstrates, gadgets which appear below the extent of the initial viewport are clipped and not redrawn when the scoll position changes. Anyone have a recommendation for approaching this problem, and/or have I missed something obvious? Mike Watters mike-cl@mwatters.net (in-package :clim-user) (define-application-frame test-frame () () (:menu-bar nil) (:command-definer nil) (:panes (stuff :application :scroll-bars :vertical :display-time :command-loop :display-function 'display-stuff-pane) (interactor :interactor)) (:layouts (default (vertically (:min-width 256 :min-height 384 :width 256 :height 384) (3/4 stuff) (1/4 interactor))))) (defun display-stuff-pane (frame pane) (formatting-item-list (pane :n-columns 1 :y-spacing 10) (loop with fm = (frame-manager frame) for n below 16 do (formatting-cell (pane) (format pane "~D: " n) (with-look-and-feel-realization (fm frame) (with-output-as-gadget (pane) (make-pane 'push-button :client frame :label (format nil "~D" n)))))) (formatting-cell (pane) (format pane "foo"))) (format pane "~&bar~%")) (defun launch-test-frame () (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'test-frame)))