Hi, I'm trying to learn CLIM, through McCLIM, from the ground up, but I'm having a slight problem with commands. The following example program shows the issue:
(in-package :clim-user)
(define-application-frame example-editor () () (:menu-bar menubar-command-table) (:panes (text-edit :text-editor)) (:layouts (default text-edit)))
(define-example-editor-command com-quit () (frame-exit *application-frame*))
(make-command-table 'file-command-table :errorp nil :menu '(("Quit" :command com-quit)))
(make-command-table 'menubar-command-table :errorp nil :menu '(("File" :menu file-command-table)))
The "Quit" menu option shows up just fine, but nothing happens when I click it. Why is this?
Furthermore, non-ASCII-input (the Danish special characters Æ, Ø and Å, for example) does not show up in the text-editor pane. I assume that McCLIM lacks support for this. Where would I want to look, if I am to hack up some support for this?