[mcclim-devel] mcclim + sbcl

Hello, Back in Bordeaux after one year in Germany I am trying to setup things here. Formerly I used CMUCL but Robert Strandh told me that I should use rather SBCL. So I would like to have sbcl + mcclim + slime. I have read that there are problems with certain combinations of versions. So my question is which combination of version number should work. Right now I have SBCL 0.9.5 with CLX clx_0.7.1 and the latest version of MCCLIM and I fail compiling MCCLIM. I plan to use MCCLIM with my students and I am desesperate to have something running. Can anyone help me? -- Irène DURAND http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~idurand This is SBCL 0.9.5, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. * (require 'asdf) ("ASDF") * (require 'clx) ; loading system definition from ; /usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/sbcl/lib/sbcl/systems/sb-bsd-sockets.asd into ; #<PACKAGE "ASDF3917"> ; registering #<SYSTEM SB-BSD-SOCKETS {97490B1}> as SB-BSD-SOCKETS ; registering #<SYSTEM SB-BSD-SOCKETS-TESTS {9B638A9}> as SB-BSD-SOCKETS-TESTS ("SB-GROVEL" "SB-BSD-SOCKETS") * (load "/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/system.lisp") ; in: LAMBDA NIL ; (OR "Lisp-Dep/mp-nil") ; ==> ; "Lisp-Dep/mp-nil" ; ; note: deleting unreachable code ; ; compilation unit finished ; printed 1 note debugger invoked on a ASDF:DUPLICATE-NAMES in thread #<THREAD "initial thread" {90033C9}>: Condition ASDF:DUPLICATE-NAMES was signalled. Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name): 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level. (ASDF::PARSE-COMPONENT-FORM NIL (:MODULE "scigraph" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/" :DEPENDS-ON (:CLIM :CLIM-LOOKS) :SERIAL T :COMPONENTS ((:FILE "package" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/package.lisp") (:FILE "feature-case" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/feature-case.lisp") (:FILE "macros" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/macros.lisp") (:FILE "tv" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/tv.lisp") (:FILE "draw" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/draw.lisp") (:FILE "present" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/present.lisp") (:FILE "extensions" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/extensions.lisp") (:FILE "wholine" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/wholine.lisp") (:FILE "export" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/dwim/export.lisp") (:FILE "package" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/package.lisp") (:FILE "copy" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/copy.lisp") (:FILE "dump" :PATHNAME #P"/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/Apps/Scigraph/scigraph/dump.lisp") ...))) 0]

Irene DURAND <idurand@labri.fr> writes:
I have read that there are problems with certain combinations of versions. So my question is which combination of version number should work.
Well, probably CVS McCLIM and CVS SBCL :)
Right now I have SBCL 0.9.5 with CLX clx_0.7.1 and the latest version of MCCLIM and I fail compiling MCCLIM. [...] * (load "/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/system.lisp") ; in: LAMBDA NIL ; (OR "Lisp-Dep/mp-nil") ; ==> ; "Lisp-Dep/mp-nil" ; ; note: deleting unreachable code ; ; compilation unit finished ; printed 1 note
debugger invoked on a ASDF:DUPLICATE-NAMES in thread #<THREAD "initial thread" {90033C9}>: Condition ASDF:DUPLICATE-NAMES was signalled.
Try this: (push "/usr/labri/idurand/Common-Lisp/mcclim/" asdf:*central-registry*) (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :mcclim) Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log
participants (2)
Paolo Amoroso