LIST-PANE issue on McClim 20190107-git (from Quicklisp distribution) with SBCL 1.4.15 (Win10_64 bits)

Hello fellow lispers, while playing with LISP-PANE gadget, I noticed that the highlighting color was not set properly in many cases to mark the selected item, resulting in an invisible item (the selected item text itself being written in white on white). After some investigation, I found the code for HANDLE-REPAINT method of GENERIC-LIST-PANE (in .....\mcclim-20190107-git\Core\clim-core\gadgets.lisp) was correct, but "misinterpreted" by the SBCL compiler, as it was working properly only with (debug 3) option... It is the MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND form setting background/foreground inks that seems to suffer bad optimisation or whatever and does not work all the time !? I'll submit this to SBCL as it is not a McClim bug... but in the meantime, replacing the HANDLE-REPAINT method of GENERIC-LIST-PANE by the proposed code below seems to works fine. It does exactly the same thing without using multiple values. Best regards and thank you for reviving CLIM, it reminds me of the good ol' days on my Symbolics 3645. Frederic Bastenaire (fbast at fbast dot net) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Modified version with "multiple-value-bind" replaced by regular SETQ for background/foreground (defmethod handle-repaint ((pane generic-list-pane) region) (with-bounding-rectangle* (sx0 sy0 sx1 sy1) (sheet-region pane) (declare (ignore sx1 sy1) ) (with-bounding-rectangle* (rx0 ry0 rx1 ry1) (if (bounding-rectangle-p region) region (or (pane-viewport-region pane) ; workaround for +everywhere+ (sheet-region pane))) (let ((item-height (generic-list-pane-item-height pane)) (highlight-ink (list-pane-highlight-ink pane))) (do* ((index (floor (- ry0 sy0) item-height) (1+ index)) (elt-index (+ index (items-origin pane)) (1+ elt-index))) ((or (> (+ sy0 (* item-height index)) ry1) (>= elt-index (generic-list-pane-items-length pane)) (>= elt-index (+ (items-origin pane) (visible-items pane))))) (let ((y0 (+ sy0 (* index item-height))) (y1 (+ sy0 (* (1+ index) item-height))) (bg (pane-background pane)) (fg (pane-foreground pane))) (when (and (slot-boundp pane 'value) ; when value bound and item selected (if (list-pane-exclusive-p pane) (funcall (list-pane-test pane) ; exclusive-selectable (elt (generic-list-pane-item-values pane) elt-index) (gadget-value pane)) (member (elt (generic-list-pane-item-values pane) ;multi-selectable elt-index) (gadget-value pane) :test (list-pane-test pane)))) (setq bg highlight-ink ;then hilight! fg (pane-background pane)) ) (draw-rectangle* pane rx0 y0 rx1 y1 :filled t :ink bg) (let ((x sx0) (y (+ y0 (text-style-ascent (pane-text-style pane) pane))) (el (elt (generic-list-pane-item-strings pane) elt-index))) (if (gadget-active-p pane) (draw-text* pane el x y :ink fg :text-style (pane-text-style pane)) (progn (draw-text* pane el (1+ x) (1+ y) :ink *3d-light-color* :text-style (pane-text-style pane)) (draw-text* pane el (1+ x) (1+ y) :ink *3d-dark-color* :text-style (pane-text-style pane)))))))))))

Hello McClim team! while playing with LISP-PANE gadget, I noticed that the highlighting color was not set properly in many cases to mark the selected item, resulting in an invisible item (the selected item text itself being written in white on white). After some investigation, I found the code for HANDLE-REPAINT method of GENERIC-LIST-PANE (in .....\mcclim-20190107-git\Core\clim-core\gadgets.lisp) was correct, but "misinterpreted" by the SBCL compiler, as it was working properly only with (debug 3) option... It is the MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND form setting background/foreground inks that seems to suffer bad optimisation or whatever and does not work all the time !? I'll submit this to SBCL as it is not a McClim bug... but in the meantime, replacing the HANDLE-REPAINT method of GENERIC-LIST-PANE by the proposed code below seems to works fine. It does exactly the same thing without using multiple values. Best regards and thank you for reviving CLIM, it reminds me of the good ol' days on my Symbolics 3645. Frederic Bastenaire (fbast at fbast dot net) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Modified version with "multiple-value-bind" replaced by regular SETQ for background/foreground (defmethod handle-repaint ((pane generic-list-pane) region) (with-bounding-rectangle* (sx0 sy0 sx1 sy1) (sheet-region pane) (declare (ignore sx1 sy1) ) (with-bounding-rectangle* (rx0 ry0 rx1 ry1) (if (bounding-rectangle-p region) region (or (pane-viewport-region pane) ; workaround for +everywhere+ (sheet-region pane))) (let ((item-height (generic-list-pane-item-height pane)) (highlight-ink (list-pane-highlight-ink pane))) (do* ((index (floor (- ry0 sy0) item-height) (1+ index)) (elt-index (+ index (items-origin pane)) (1+ elt-index))) ((or ((+ sy0 (* item-height index)) ry1) (>= elt-index (generic-list-pane-items-length pane)) (>= elt-index (+ (items-origin pane) (visible-items pane))))) (let ((y0 (+ sy0 (* index item-height))) (y1 (+ sy0 (* (1+ index) item-height))) (bg (pane-background pane)) (fg (pane-foreground pane))) (when (and (slot-boundp pane 'value) ; when value bound and item selected (if (list-pane-exclusive-p pane) (funcall (list-pane-test pane) ; exclusive-selectable (elt (generic-list-pane-item-values pane) elt-index) (gadget-value pane)) (member (elt (generic-list-pane-item-values pane) ;multi-selectable elt-index) (gadget-value pane) :test (list-pane-test pane)))) (setq bg highlight-ink ;then hilight! fg (pane-background pane)) ) (draw-rectangle* pane rx0 y0 rx1 y1 :filled t :ink bg) (let ((x sx0) (y (+ y0 (text-style-ascent (pane-text-style pane) pane))) (el (elt (generic-list-pane-item-strings pane) elt-index))) (if (gadget-active-p pane) (draw-text* pane el x y :ink fg :text-style (pane-text-style pane)) (progn (draw-text* pane el (1+ x) (1+ y) :ink *3d-light-color* :text-style (pane-text-style pane)) (draw-text* pane el (1+ x) (1+ y) :ink *3d-dark-color* :text-style (pane-text-style pane)))))))))))

Hello Frederic, Thank you for the patch! Afair problem has already been reported in SBCL and fixed in their repository. Updating your compiler may make this thing go away. We had some reports about it already. Regarding the change – code as it is now is cleaner and it is not very likely that we will change it to hide a bug in a compiler. That said if you are interested in cleaning up this patch and submitting in a form of a pull request to it may get accepted (if it will be more straightforward than the current code). I am very glad you enjoy using McCLIM. If you have an interesting project to show written in it don't hestitate to share it on this mailing list! Best regards, Daniel
participants (2)
Daniel Kochmański
Frederic Bastenaire