[mcclim-devel] freetype-cffi sorta works

I have the CFFI translation of freetype working at least a little (on ACL). I am certainly NOT confident enough in it to say it ought to replace the old one! But I would like to share the work, and I would like to see it out there on common-lisp.net for people to examine and critique. Here's what I have done: I have created shadows of all the original files. So I have freetype-fonts-cffi.lisp, freetype-cffi.lisp, freetype-package-cffi.lisp and mcclim-freetype-cffi.asd. I would like to check these into the CVS, since they will not break the existing mcclim-freetype. If you'd like to test the CFFI version, just symlink <asdf-system-dir>/mcclim-freetype.asd to mcclim-freetype-cffi.asd, then load as per the instructions for ordinary mcclim-freetype.asd. Please let me know if this for some reason would be a bad thing. Otherwise I will make the commit in about 4-6 hours. Thanks! R
participants (1)
Robert P. Goldman