I tried pixie/clx-look frame manager with clim-examples' tabdemo. (tested on sbcl 1.0.47 with mcclim from latest quicklisp in linux)
The tab bar's width is always computed as a very big numbder 20000001/2. the worse is that the tab layout is always drawn out of screen.
(In ubuntu, it causes the screen to flash when tabdemo displays. In gentoo, clx will complain a bad typed 16bit integer error)
I find that draw-pixie-tab-bar-bottom function draws two lines with x from 0 to +fill+. The +fill+ is a very big number. I think it should draw the lines with x from 0 to the value of (bounding-rectangle-max-x (sheet-region pane)) rather than +fill+. This solves the problem.
;; The one will cause the pixie-tab-bar-pane has a very big width. (defun draw-pixie-tab-bar-bottom (pane) (let ((y0 (bounding-rectangle-min-y (sheet-region pane))) (y1 (bounding-rectangle-max-y (sheet-region pane)))) (draw-line* pane 0 (- y1 6) +fill+ (- y1 6) :ink *3d-light-color*) (draw-line* pane 0 (- y1 1) +fill+ (- y1 1) :ink *3d-dark-color*) #+NIL (draw-line* pane 0 (1- y1) x1 (1- y1) :ink +gray30+)))
;; I think this is better. And it will solve the problem. (defun draw-pixie-tab-bar-bottom (pane) (let ((y0 (bounding-rectangle-min-y (sheet-region pane))) (y1 (bounding-rectangle-max-y (sheet-region pane))) (x0 (bounding-rectangle-min-x (sheet-region pane))) (x1 (bounding-rectangle-max-x (sheet-region pane)))) (draw-line* pane 0 (- y1 6) x1 (- y1 6) :ink *3d-light-color*) (draw-line* pane 0 (- y1 1) x1 (- y1 1) :ink *3d-dark-color*) #+NIL (draw-line* pane 0 (1- y1) x1 (1- y1) :ink +gray30+)))
I've only test it with sbcl in linux. I don't know if other CL implementation also has this problem. Does anybody has any idea on this?
BTW, I think tab-layout-pane should have a handle-repaint method which will redraw the tab header, it will be good when User resizes the tab layout pane.
;; Handle resize like this one. (defmethod handle-repaint ((pane pixie-tab-layout-pane) region) (pixie-display-tab-header pane (clim-tab-layout::tab-layout-header-pane pane)))
I read the Bug list in Mcliki. There is a bug report has similar problem with this one.
Infinite redisplay loop without :incremental-redisplay t infinite-redisplay-loop -- Paolo Amoroso, 11 Dec 2005
After I add ":incremental-redisplay t" in pixie-tab-bar-pane's :default-initargs. The problem is solved.
I don't know the deep reason of it. But i think it should be fixed anyway.
BTW, To McCLIM developers, I want to have some effort on McCLIM development. But I am still very fresh on it. Is there any advice or suggestion that i'd better know and take at first? Thanks for it.
I notice that the latest release is McCLIM 0.9.6 "St. George's Day" in 2008-04-23. Is the development of McCLIM still alive or just with a very low speed?
Thanks for any reply. On Tue, 2011-05-03 at 11:36 +0800, nixie wrote:
idth is computed out of the screen in pixie/clx-look Date: 05/03/2011 11:36:35 AM