[mcclim-devel] patch for CLIM-LISTENER on Allegro

I was just looking over the clim-listener to see how the wholine worked, and in passing found that its recipe for getting a user id doesn't work on Allegro. Here's a quick patch. As an aside, I couldn't find anything that would provide a description of mem usage that would fit the one-liner in here for other lisps. All I could find was ROOM, which seemed to give too much information.... Finally, is there any reason we shouldn't all set ;; Set this to true if you want the listener to bind *debug-io* to the ;; listener window. (defparameter *listener-use-debug-io* #+hefner t #-hefner nil) to T instead of NIL? For me, at least on Allegro, the utility of the system is vitiated by having it lock up and dump the debug output into my emacs window. But perhaps there's a downside to this that I don't know about.... Best, R Index: listener.lisp =================================================================== RCS file: /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Apps/Listener/listener.lisp,v retrieving revision 1.21 diff -u -F^(def -r1.21 listener.lisp --- listener.lisp 11 Jan 2005 05:26:26 -0000 1.21 +++ listener.lisp 10 Aug 2005 21:56:46 -0000 @@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ (defun generate-wholine-contents (frame (declare (ignore frame)) (let* ((*standard-output* pane) (username (or #+cmu (cdr (assoc :user ext:*environment-list*)) - #-cmu (getenv "USER") + #+allegro (sys:getenv "USER") + #-(or allegro cmu) (getenv "USER") "luser")) ; sorry.. (sitename (machine-instance)) (memusage #+cmu (lisp::dynamic-usage)
participants (1)
Robert P. Goldman