[mcclim-devel] cvs access

Trying to get a cvs version of mcclim I get Ordinateur-de-IRENE-DURAND:~ idurand$ cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@common-lisp.net:/project/mcclim/cvsroot co mcclim ? mcclim/cvsroot ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/clim-extensions.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/frame-manager.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/graft.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/image.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/keysymdef.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/keysyms-common.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/keysyms.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/medium.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/package.dfsl ? mcclim/Backends/CLX/port.dfsl ? mcclim/examples/franz ? mcclim/looks/pixie.dfsl cvs server: existing repository /project/mcclim/cvsroot/McCLIM does not match /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim cvs server: ignoring module mcclim What am I doing wrong? Irene ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Hello, I have a previous version of mcclim which works fine with cmucl-18e. I am trying to have the latest version of mcclim work with cmucl-19a. Everything compiles and loads fine but then the execution fails: Any idea of what to try? Irene PS: Below the trace of a session, CMU Common Lisp 19a, running on kresse With core: /home/idurand/opt/prog/CL/CMUCL/19a/lib/cmucl/lib/lisp.core Dumped on: Wed, 2004-07-28 18:51:48+02:00 on lorien See <http://www.cons.org/cmucl/> for support information. Loaded subsystems: Python 1.1, target Intel x86 CLOS based on Gerd's PCL 2004/04/14 03:32:47 * *features* (:MK-DEFSYSTEM :GRAY-STREAMS :CLX-MIT-R5 :CLX-MIT-R4 :XLIB :CLX :CLX-LITTLE-ENDIAN :GERDS-PCL :PCL-STRUCTURES :PORTABLE-COMMONLOOPS :PCL :CMU19 :CMU19A :PYTHON :CONSERVATIVE-FLOAT-TYPE :MODULAR-ARITH :MP :X86 :LINKAGE-TABLE :RELATIVE-PACKAGE-NAMES :LINUX :GLIBC2 :UNIX :RANDOM-MT19937 :GENCGC :PENTIUM :I486 :HASH-NEW :HEAP-OVERFLOW-CHECK :STACK-CHECKING :COMMON :COMMON-LISP :ANSI-CL :IEEE-FLOATING-POINT :CMU) * ; Loading #p"/home/idurand/mcclim/system.lisp". You need to run (mp::startup-idle-and-top-level-loops) to start up the multiprocessing support. ;; Loading #p"/home/idurand/mcclim/Backends/CLX/system.lisp". T * (mk:operate-on-system :clim-clx-user :load) NIL * (mk:operate-on-system :clim-examples :load) ; Loading #p"/home/idurand/mcclim/Examples/calculator.x86f". ... #<FILE: Examples/menutest> #<FILE: Examples/colorslider> #<FILE: Examples/calculator>) * (clim-demo::calculator) :INTERNET fell through ECASE expression. Wanted one of (:UNIX OR :TCP NIL). [Condition of type CONDITIONS::CASE-FAILURE] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (XLIB::OPEN-X-STREAM "theolite17.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de" 1 :INTERNET) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:clx/dependent.lisp. 0] backtrace 0: (XLIB::OPEN-X-STREAM "theolite17.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de" 1 :INTERNET) 1: (XLIB:OPEN-DISPLAY "theolite17.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de" :DISPLAY 1 :PROTOCOL ...) 2: ((METHOD CLIM-CLX::INITIALIZE-CLX NIL (CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT)) (#(0 14 15 14 15 ...) . #(# #)) #<unused-arg> #<error printing object>) 3: ("LAMBDA (PCL::.KEYARGS-START. PCL::.VALID-KEYS. #:G5082 #:G5083 #:G5084)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<error printing object> (:SERVER-PATH (:CLX :HOST "theolite17.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de" :DISPLAY-ID 1 ...))) 4: ("DEFMETHOD MAKE-INSTANCE (CLASS)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<STANDARD-CLASS CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT {58720D75}> (:SERVER-PATH (:CLX :HOST "theolite17.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de" :DISPLAY-ID 1 ...))) 5: (CLIM:FIND-PORT :SERVER-PATH NIL) 6: (CLIM:FIND-FRAME-MANAGER) 7: ((METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL (:AROUND) (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) (#(16 15) . #(#)) #S(PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<Function # {59A18201}> :PV-CELL (# . #) :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (1 . T)) #<CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR {588876B5}> NIL) 8: (CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR) 9: (INTERACTIVE-EVAL (CLIM-DEMO::CALCULATOR)) 10: (LISP::%TOP-LEVEL) 11: ((LABELS LISP::RESTART-LISP SAVE-LISP)) 0] ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Hello, In a recent version of McCLIM when I type a Newline in the interactor of the address-book example, I get an error Command: Empty input for type (COMMAND :COMMAND-TABLE #<STANDARD-COMMAND-TABLE ADDRESS-BOOK #x67B606>) with no supplied default. In my own application, I get the same kind of problem when I give a Newline as input for something to be completed using "completing-with-suggestion". Has anything changed? Do I need to specified additional parameters in order to avoid these errors? Irène ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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