[mcclim-devel] Missing CLIMI::Y2 slot error when selecting text for copying

When I run the CLIM Listener, evaluate (princ "Paolo"), Shift-left-button drag to select the previously output `Paolo' string for copying, and then release the shift key, I get the error with backtrace included below. I use the latest McCLIM CVS sources (rebuilt from source after deleting old fasl files) with CMUCL Snapshot 2005-02 under Slackware Linux 10.0. Paolo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Error in function "DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)": When attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value), the slot CLIM-INTERNALS::Y2 is missing from the object #<CLIM-INTERNALS::STANDARD-TEXT-DISPLAYED-OUTPUT-RECORD 0,17 ("Paolo") {582664A5}>. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [RESTART-EVENT-LOOP] Restart CLIM's event loop. 1: [DESTROY ] Destroy the process Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::STANDARD-TEXT-DISPLAYED-OUTPUT-RECORD 0,17 ("Paolo") {582664A5}> ...) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/slots.lisp. 0] backtrace 0: ("DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-INTERNALS::STANDARD-TEXT-DISPLAYED-OUTPUT-RECORD 0,17 ("Paolo") {582664A5}> ...) 1: (SLOT-VALUE #<CLIM-INTERNALS::STANDARD-TEXT-DISPLAYED-OUTPUT-RECORD 0,17 ("Paolo") {582664A5}> CLIM-INTERNALS::Y2) 2: ("DEFUN FETCH-SELECTION" #<CLIM-INTERNALS::STRING-MARKING {58974585}>) 3: (MAP NIL #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN FETCH-SELECTION" {58A00559}> (#<CLIM-INTERNALS::STRING-MARKING {58974585}>)) 4: (CLIM-INTERNALS::FETCH-SELECTION #<CLIM:INTERACTOR-PANE CLIM-LISTENER::INTERACTOR {58F362B5}>) 5: ((METHOD CLIM:DISPATCH-EVENT (:AROUND) (CLIM-INTERNALS::CUT-AND-PASTE-MIXIN CLIM-BACKEND:SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT)) #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<CLIM:INTERACTOR-PANE CLIM-LISTENER::INTERACTOR {58F362B5}> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-SELECTION-REQUEST-EVENT {58A0000D}>) 6: ((METHOD CLIM:PROCESS-NEXT-EVENT NIL (CLIM:BASIC-PORT)) (#() . #(#)) #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT :HOST "" :DISPLAY-ID 0 {5810715D}> NIL) 7: ("DEFMETHOD INITIALIZE-CLX (CLX-PORT)") 8: ("DEFUN MAKE-PROCESS") 0] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log

Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it> writes:
When I run the CLIM Listener, evaluate (princ "Paolo"), Shift-left-button drag to select the previously output `Paolo' string for copying, and then release the shift key, I get the error with backtrace included below. I use the latest McCLIM CVS sources (rebuilt from source after deleting old fasl files) with CMUCL Snapshot 2005-02 under Slackware Linux 10.0.
Thanks. This should be fixed now. Cheers, Christophe
participants (2)
Christophe Rhodes
Paolo Amoroso