[mcclim-devel] FONT-ERROR in puzzle demo.

When I try to start the puzzle demo through the Demodemo application, I'm dropped in the debugger with the following error: FONT-ERROR in current request Code 47.0 [QueryFont] ID #x2C00188 [Condition of type XLIB:FONT-ERROR] Is this a problem on my end? I'm using McCLIM CVS with SBCL 0.9.1 on an AMD64. Kind regards, Dirk Gerrits

"DG" == Dirk Gerrits <dirk@dirkgerrits.com> writes:
DG> When I try to start the puzzle demo through the Demodemo application, DG> I'm dropped in the debugger with the following error: DG> FONT-ERROR in current request Code 47.0 [QueryFont] ID #x2C00188 DG> [Condition of type XLIB:FONT-ERROR] DG> Is this a problem on my end? DG> I'm using McCLIM CVS with SBCL 0.9.1 on an AMD64. Odd. I get a different error (Linux x86 with ACL 6.2) --- many of the examples would crash because the classes weren't defined. I modified the :clim-examples definition in mcclim.asd to the following, and things seemed to work better: ;;; CLIM-Examples depends on having at least one backend loaded. (defsystem :clim-examples :depends-on (:clim :clim-looks) :components ((:module "Examples" :components ((:file "calculator") (:file "colorslider") (:file "address-book") (:file "traffic-lights") (:file "clim-fig") (:file "postscript-test") (:file "stream-test") (:file "presentation-test") #+clx (:file "gadget-test") (:file "accepting-values") (:file "method-browser") (:file "puzzle") (:file "dragndrop"))) (:module "Goatee" :components ((:file :goatee-test))))) Is this right? Should there be some additional depends for the Goatee module? Best, r

rpgoldman@real-time.com wrote:
"DG" == Dirk Gerrits <dirk@dirkgerrits.com> writes:
DG> When I try to start the puzzle demo through the Demodemo application, DG> I'm dropped in the debugger with the following error:
DG> FONT-ERROR in current request Code 47.0 [QueryFont] ID #x2C00188 DG> [Condition of type XLIB:FONT-ERROR]
DG> Is this a problem on my end?
DG> I'm using McCLIM CVS with SBCL 0.9.1 on an AMD64.
Odd. I get a different error (Linux x86 with ACL 6.2) --- many of the examples would crash because the classes weren't defined.
Yes that's true. I forgot to mention that I loaded all Examples/*.lisp files first (except gadget-test-kr.lisp). Kind regards, Dirk Gerrits

Would someone be willing to commit in the change to the :clim-examples system? Thanks, r

Dirk Gerrits <dirk@dirkgerrits.com> writes:
When I try to start the puzzle demo through the Demodemo application, I'm dropped in the debugger with the following error:
FONT-ERROR in current request Code 47.0 [QueryFont] ID #x2C00188 [Condition of type XLIB:FONT-ERROR]
Is this a problem on my end?
I get an error similar to that reported by Robert: Error in function PCL::FIND-CLASS-FROM-CELL: No class named CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to application command loop 1: Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (PCL::FIND-CLASS-FROM-CELL CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE NIL T) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/macros.lisp. 0] backtrace 0: (PCL::FIND-CLASS-FROM-CELL CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE NIL T) 1: ("DEFMETHOD MAKE-INSTANCE (SYMBOL)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE (:NAME CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE :PRETTY-NAME "Puzzle" :USER-SUPPLIED-GEOMETRY ...)) 2: (CLIM:MAKE-APPLICATION-FRAME CLIM-DEMO::PUZZLE :CALLING-FRAME #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {587D7515}>) 3: ("DEFUN MAKE-DEMO-BUTTON") 4: (CLIM-INTERNALS::INVOKE-CALLBACK #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE "(Unnamed Pane)" {5912CFDD}> #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN MAKE-DEMO-BUTTON" {591C2201}>) 5: ((METHOD CLIM:HANDLE-EVENT NIL (CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE CLIM:POINTER-BUTTON-RELEASE-EVENT)) (#(26 49 22 21) . #()) #<unused-arg> #<CLIM:PUSH-BUTTON-PANE "(Unnamed Pane)" {5912CFDD}> #<unused-arg>) 6: (CLIM-EXTENSIONS:SIMPLE-EVENT-LOOP) 7: ((METHOD CLIM:DEFAULT-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL NIL (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) (#() . #(# # # # # ...)) #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {587D7515}> NIL) 8: ("LAMBDA (.KEYARGS-START. .VALID-KEYS. G5232)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {587D7515}> NIL) 9: ((METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL NIL (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) (#(20) . #()) #<unused-arg> #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {587D7515}> #<unused-arg>) 10: ((METHOD CLIM:RUN-FRAME-TOP-LEVEL (:AROUND) (CLIM:APPLICATION-FRAME)) (#(16 15) . #(#)) #S(PCL::FAST-METHOD-CALL :FUNCTION #<Function # {116C9419}> :PV-CELL (# . #) :NEXT-METHOD-CALL NIL :ARG-INFO (1 . T)) #<CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO {587D7515}> NIL) 11: (INTERACTIVE-EVAL (CLIM-DEMO::DEMODEMO)) 12: (LISP::%TOP-LEVEL) 13: ((LABELS LISP::RESTART-LISP SAVE-LISP)) 0] I'm using the latest McCLIM CVS sources with CMUCL Snapshot (19B) 06/2005 under Slackware Linux 10.0. Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log
participants (3)
Dirk Gerrits
Paolo Amoroso