In gadgets.lisp there is this comment:
;; Is there really a benefit to waiting until the first painting to ;; create the goatee instance? Why not use INITIALIZE-INSTANCE? (defmethod handle-repaint :before ((pane text-field-pane) region)
and this method:
(defmethod (setf gadget-value) :after (new-value (gadget text-field-pane) &key invoke-callback) (declare (ignore invoke-callback)) (let* ((area (area gadget)) ;;;<<<< NIL (buffer (goatee::buffer area)) (start (goatee::buffer-start buffer)) (end (goatee::buffer-end buffer))) (goatee::delete-region buffer start end) (goatee::insert buffer new-value :position start) (goatee::redisplay-area area)))
which fails when (setf gadget-value) is called before the text-field is displayed on screen. Result is dreaded NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD signal.
The work around is obvious. I'll get the gadgetmeisters figure out the correct solution.
A test case is below.
Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (in-package :clim-user)
(define-application-frame testme () ((tfg)) (:panes (p0 :application :display-function (lambda (f p) (with-slots (tfg) f (with-output-as-gadget (p :cache-value t) (with-look-and-feel-realization ((frame-manager f) f) (setq tfg (make-pane 'text-field :width 40)))) (setf (gadget-value tfg) "XXX"))))) (:layouts (default p0)))
(defun testme () (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'testme)))