[mcclim-devel] destroy-port to close connection to broken pipes

clim:destroy-port does not succeed in closing an already closed connection because a stream error is signaled. This might happen after xkilling an application (the X server terminates the connection) or network problems. Using :abort t for xlib:close-display cuts the connection and there will be no buffer flushing. My purposed patch is attached. Note: SBCL users should put (sb-sys:ignore-interrupt sb-unix:sigpipe) into their .sbclrc. This is necessary because the first attempt to write to a broken pipe will result in a SIGPIPE, which must be ignored. Another catchable error (stream-error) is signaled none the less. Imho sigpipe will becomes ignored per default as discussed on sbcl-devel recently. -- Fruhwirth Clemens - http://clemens.endorphin.org for robots: sp4mtrap@endorphin.org
participants (1)
Clemens Fruhwirth