[mcclim-devel] ACL70 bug: Ignorable in argument acceptor functions for define-command

I find that with allegro version 7.0, McCLIM crashes while compiling. The problem first crops up compiling (define-command (com-query-exit :command-table accepting-values :name nil :provide-output-destination-keyword nil) () (signal 'av-exit)) which macroexpands to: (PROGN (DEFUN COM-QUERY-EXIT () (SIGNAL 'AV-EXIT)) (ADD-COMMAND-TO-COMMAND-TABLE 'COM-QUERY-EXIT 'ACCEPTING-VALUES :NAME NIL :MENU 'NIL :KEYSTROKE 'NIL :ERRORP NIL) (DEFUN COM-QUERY-EXIT%ACCEPTOR%9 (#:STREAM61697) (LET ((#:KEY-RESULTS61698 NIL)) (BLOCK ACTIVATED (FLET ((EAT-DELIMITER-OR-ACTIVATOR NIL (LET ((GESTURE (READ-GESTURE :STREAM #:STREAM61697))) (WHEN (OR (NULL GESTURE) (ACTIVATION-GESTURE-P GESTURE)) (RETURN-FROM ACTIVATED NIL)) (UNLESS (DELIMITER-GESTURE-P GESTURE) (UNREAD-GESTURE GESTURE :STREAM #:STREAM61697))))) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE #'EAT-DELIMITER-OR-ACTIVATOR)) (LET ((GESTURE (READ-GESTURE :STREAM #:STREAM61697 :TIMEOUT 0 :PEEK-P T))) (COND ((AND GESTURE (ACTIVATION-GESTURE-P GESTURE)) (RETURN-FROM ACTIVATED NIL))) NIL))) (LIST* #:KEY-RESULTS61698))) (DEFUN COM-QUERY-EXIT%PARTIAL%8 (#:COMMAND-TABLE61699 #:STREAM61700 #:PARTIAL-COMMAND61701) (DESTRUCTURING-BIND (#:COMMAND-NAME61702) #:PARTIAL-COMMAND61701 (LET ((#:COMMAND-LINE-NAME61703 (COMMAND-LINE-NAME-FOR-COMMAND #:COMMAND-NAME61702 #:COMMAND-TABLE61699 :ERRORP NIL))) (ACCEPTING-VALUES (#:STREAM61700) (FORMAT #:STREAM61700 "You are being prompted for arguments to ~S~%" #:COMMAND-LINE-NAME61703)) (LIST #:COMMAND-NAME61702)))) (DEFUN |COM-QUERY-EXIT%unparser%9| (#:COMMAND61707 #:STREAM61709) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE #:STREAM61709)) (LET* ((#:SEPERATOR61712 #\Space) (#:COMMAND-ARGS61708 (CDR #:COMMAND61707))) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE #:SEPERATOR61712 #:COMMAND-ARGS61708)))) NIL (SETF (GETHASH 'COM-QUERY-EXIT *COMMAND-PARSER-TABLE*) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'COMMAND-PARSERS :PARSER #'COM-QUERY-EXIT%ACCEPTOR%9 :PARTIAL-PARSER #'COM-QUERY-EXIT%PARTIAL%8 :REQUIRED-ARGS 'NIL :KEYWORD-ARGS 'NIL :ARGUMENT-UNPARSER #'|COM-QUERY-EXIT%unparser%9|)) 'COM-QUERY-EXIT) Allegro v 7.0 chokes on (DECLARE (IGNORABLE #'EAT-DELIMITER-OR-ACTIVATOR)) AFAICT, Allegro 7.0 can't compile ignorable declarations applied to constant functions like this. I believe this is an allegro bug, as is suggested by the error message: ; While compiling COM-QUERY-EXIT%ACCEPTOR%0: Error: We don't yet handle ignore of #'EAT-DELIMITER-OR-ACTIVATOR. For now, I was just going to put the following conditional compilation directive in commands.lisp: #-ALLEGRO-V7.0 (declare (ignorable (function eat-delimiter-or-activator))) Any reason not to commit this change? Actually, I'm on vacation, and it may be difficult for me to make this commit for a week or so, so if anyone else would like to, that would be great! R

Quoting rpgoldman@real-time.com (rpgoldman@real-time.com):
AFAICT, Allegro 7.0 can't compile ignorable declarations applied to constant functions like this.
Franz has already fixed that bug in ACL 7.0. (update/pab012.001) d.
participants (2)
David Lichteblau