I note, to my surprise, the screenshots page on Axiom only has the TeXmacs screenshots. I'll try to get this sucker working tonight and make some of the browser. Basically, as far as I can remember, it was a text browser with the ability to imbed images and send commands to Axiom. A breakthrough for its time but rather dated now - it should be pretty simple (in theory) to mock up something like it. (Sinking feeling as this gets filed under famous last words...) CY --- Andy Hefner <ahefner@gmail.com> wrote:
What kind of browser?
"I've looked at McClim which is a path I'd dearly love to take but so far I've not gotten it to work. If someone could reproduce the first page of the browser (a few buttons, an image) in McClim that might be enough to get me over the hurdle. A pure lisp solution is
On 4/28/05, C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com> wrote: preferred."
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