The glitch is visible in the screenshot:
(see the vertical bar before xyz.)
To reproduce, load the following code, and type "Test<enter>xyz" in the interactor. This is using Christophe's CLX from darcs, and CVS McCLIM, on:
Darwin manic.local 8.11.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386
and SBCL
-- Nikodemus
(require :mcclim)
(defpackage "TEST-GUI" (:use "CLIM-LISP" "CLIM"))
(in-package "TEST-GUI")
(define-application-frame test-frame () () (:panes (canvas :application :display-time nil :height 400 :width 600) (repl :interactor)) (:layouts (default (vertically (:width 600 :height 600) canvas (:fill repl)))))
(defmethod frame-standard-output ((frame test-frame)) (find-pane-named frame 'repl))
(define-test-frame-command (com-test :name t) () (let ((name (accept 'string :prompt "Foo"))) (format t "Foo ~A!" name)))
(run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'test-frame))Te
"Nikodemus Siivola" writes:
The glitch is visible in the screenshot:
(see the vertical bar before xyz.)
Yes, that's the remnant of the cursor; I thought it would be safe to start the clearing of previous output a pixel more to the right than I used to (it wasn't). I should have fixed this in CVS a few hours ago.