[mcclim-devel] Scrollbar/text-editor-bug in McCLIM?

Observe the behavior of this simple application: (define-application-frame buggy-editor () () (:panes (text-edit :text-editor) (interactor :interactor :scroll-bars nil)) (:layouts (default (vertically () (scrolling (:scroll-bars t) text-edit) (scrolling (:scroll-bars t) interactor))))) If a line wider than the pane is written to the text-editor pane, it will correctly update the scroll-bars and the pane size to allow one to navigate through the entire line. This does not happen when more lines are inserted than it is possible to display in the pane, though: in that case, the horizontal scrollbars will not be adjusted, thus rendering it impossible to see the surplus lines. Is this behavior a bug in my application or in McCLIM? -- \ Troels "Athas" Henriksen /\ sigkill.dk - KILL -9
participants (1)
Troels Henriksen