Compiling/installing McCLIM on LispWorks 6.1 Professional Edition

Dear List I have tried to load McCLIM onto my copy of LispWorks and have discovered the following error: In the file mcclim-20140316-git/Lisp-Dep/fix-lispworks.lisp, the last form is (defmethod clim-mop:class-direct-superclasses ((instance (eql *ptype-t-class*))) (list (find-class 'standard-object))) ;; scary.. I have discovered that *ptype-t-class* is defined in file presentations.lisp (line 754), but is nowhere given a value. Thus the parameter "instance" of the method defined above cannot be specialized on *ptype-t-class*. Please would you advise me on how to get mcclim loaded into lispworks. Your sincerely -- Dr Sian Mountbatten Associate member of the FSF no. 10888 Asocia membro de la Libera Programara Fonduso n-ro 10888
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Sian Mountbatten