[mcclim-devel] Trying to wrap my head around presentations

From what I'm reading so far, this is pretty much the way CLIM was designed. Am I on the right track, or am I still completely missing
I'm still just toying with ideas, and trying to wrap my brain around the basics. Right this second, just on a whim, I'm thinking of a character-builder for old-school AD&D. Something like a radio-button list where you choose either your race '(human elf half-elf dwarf halfling half-orc) or your class '(fighter magic-user cleric thief monk) and both lists depend on what you've chosen in the other. So you'd be able to select one in the list, and the other would indicate that certain options weren't available. But they aren't actually disabled...just discouraged. Choose a discouraged option, and the other list clears your choice. Maybe some options just aren't available, based on the way you've set your stats. the point? Thanks, James
participants (1)
James Ashley