[mcclim-devel] Freetype for SBCL

Hello, Since I'm under the impression that code in the Experimental directory is, well, experimental, I've committed a version of the experimental freetype bindings which works on SBCL. I've optimized away the %SAP-ALIEN problems, and the end product is reasonably usable. It's a bit laggy until the glyph cache warms up, but after that it's just fine. Here's a gratuitous screenshot: http://www.unmutual.info/images/slidemacs-big.png I'm pretty sure that this doesn't work on CMUCL anymore, as CMUCL has slightly different names (DEF-ALIEN-TYPE and -ROUTINE), but a little macrology should restore CMUCL workingness if anybody's interested in giving it a try. In order to use this under SBCL, you must use the .asd file, as there's a little ASDF muckery in there to work around the fact that compiling the freetype-ffi file currently stuffs up in SBCL. After the rest of the code finishes compiling, you should see a message about setting mcclim-freetype:*freetype-font-path* - set this to a directory containing the Bitstream Vera fonts, and don't forget the final / on the pathname or else merge-pathnames is not going to be happy. Comments and patches welcome, especially from CMUCL users. -- Brian Mastenbrook "God made the natural numbers; http://www.iscblog.info/ all else is the work of man." chandler@unmutual.info -- Leopold Kroneker

Brian Mastenbrook <chandler@unmutual.info> writes:
Since I'm under the impression that code in the Experimental directory is, well, experimental, I've committed a version of the experimental
Well, Experimental/pointer-doc-hack.lisp is rock solid. I haven't had any problems with it for the last couple of years and countless McCLIM updates :)
freetype bindings which works on SBCL. I've optimized away the [...] Here's a gratuitous screenshot: http://www.unmutual.info/images/slidemacs-big.png
Cool. Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log

Brian Mastenbrook <chandler@unmutual.info> writes:
In order to use this under SBCL, you must use the .asd file, as there's a little ASDF muckery in there to work around the fact that compiling the freetype-ffi file currently stuffs up in SBCL. After the rest of the code finishes compiling, you should see a message about setting mcclim-freetype:*freetype-font-path* - set this to a directory containing the Bitstream Vera fonts, and don't forget the final / on the pathname or else merge-pathnames is not going to be happy.
Comments and patches welcome, especially from CMUCL users.
Find attached a patch which makes it work on my amd64 (and stops it from working on 32-bit platforms, of course). There seems to be something slightly wrong with text-style-width, as demonstrated in the following screenshot: <http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~csr21/text-style-width.png>. What's going on in this example is that the top line implements the spaces by calling stream-increment-cursor-position with an x-displacement of text-style-width; the second line simply draws the text in one fell swoop. Thus, a slightly smaller than true text-style-width causes this displacement (and also for the cursor to be drawn in the wrong position, if it's not at the start of the line). Cheers, Christophe
participants (3)
Brian Mastenbrook
Christophe Rhodes
Paolo Amoroso