(with-slots (own-window-p) ; the slot and then conceptually a variable of the same name frame ; the object from which to use the slot own-window-p) ; the variable so (with-slots (own-window-p) frame (foo :bar own-window-p)) calls the function FOO and passes the value of OWN-WINDOW-P to the keyword arg BAR
Am 20.11.2020 um 23:33 schrieb igor denisov <saufesma@gmail.com>:
It's a good idea to check the documentation of the used CLIM functions and CLIM macros in a CLIM reference.
You have no idea how hard I check on that but my understanding of the hole is going really slow. And it is not so obvious to me.
It gets called with keyword arg :OW and its value is the value of the slot value of the application frame.
This is slot value of the application frame? ((own-window-p :initform nil))
if so, I do not understand how that value was passed to keyword arg :OW Can you show me how it was passed?
Whatever input I have to pass to app, I am being forced to use accepting-values macro or there are some other options?
I would really appreciate any code on input and output of any app. More is better.
Looking forward your reply.
On 11/20/20, Rainer Joswig <joswig@lisp.de> wrote:
The application frame has a slot OWN-WINDOW-P . This should control whether the reset clock UI uses its own dialog window for resetting the clock values.
if one uses the command :RESET CLOCK 1, then the reset-clock-1 function gets called. It gets called with keyword arg :OW and its value is the value of the slot value of the application frame.
Inside the function RESET-CLOCK-1 there is use of the macro CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES. The value of the variable OW is used as a value for the keyword option :OWN-WINDOW. At runtime this macro then will either
:own-window nil -> create the UI for resetting the clock inline
:own-window t -> create a new window dialog for resetting the clock
It's a good idea to check the documentation of the used CLIM functions and CLIM macros in a CLIM reference.
Am 20.11.2020 um 01:19 schrieb igor denisov <saufesma@gmail.com>:
There are places marked with question marks where I do not understand what is going on. Can you explain them?
(in-package :common-lisp-user) (defpackage :first-app (:use :clim :clim-lisp) (:export first-app)) (in-package :first-app)
(defun av-test-display-screen (frame pane) (declare (ignore frame)) (with-text-size (pane :large) (fresh-line pane) (present '(com-reset-clock-1) 'command :stream pane) (fresh-line pane)))
(define-application-frame av-test () ((own-window-p :initform nil)) ;; These slots will typically hold ;; any per-instance frame state.
(:menu-bar t) (:panes (screen :application :display-time t :display-function #'av-test-display-screen :text-style (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :normal)) (interactor :interactor :min-width 600) (doc :pointer-documentation)) (:layouts (defaults (vertically () screen interactor doc))))
;; default-frame-top-level will also establish a simple restart ;; for abort, and bind the standard stream variables. *query-io* will be bound ;; to the value returned by frame-query-io (defun reset-clock-1 (&key (stream *query-io*) (ow t)) ;; ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ;; keyword-name var k-n v (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month) (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)) (declare (ignore second)) ;; self explanatory, var second is not used ;; anywhere (restart-case ;; restartable-form (progn ;; For instance, an accepting-values whose fields consist of ;; gadgets may appear in an ordinary CLIM ;; stream pane. ;; For example, accepting-values dialogs can be implemented by ;; using an encapsulating stream that tailors calls to accept and ;; prompt-for-accept in such a way that the output is captured and ;; formatted into a dialog that contains prompts and fields ;; that can be clicked on and modified by the user.
;; (For example, the behavior of accepting-values can be implemented ;; by creating a special class of stream that turns calls to ;; accept into fields of a dialog.) ????????????? HOW TO???
;; accepting-values (&optional stream &key own-window exit-boxes ;; initially-select-query-identifier modify-initial-query ;; resynchronize-every-pass resize-frame align-prompts label ;; scroll-bars x-position y-position width height command-table ;; frame-class) &body body [Macro]
(clim:accepting-values (stream :own-window ow) ;; (accepting-values (stream :own-window ow) ;; same as????? ;; (accepting-values ;; (&optional stream ;; &key own-window ;; what is ow) ?????????? (format stream "Enter the time~%") (setq month (clim:accept 'integer :stream stream :default month :prompt "Month")) (terpri stream) (setq day (clim:accept 'integer :stream stream :default day :prompt "Day")) (terpri stream) (setq hour (clim:accept 'integer :stream stream :default hour :prompt "Hour")) (terpri stream) (setq minute (clim:accept 'integer :stream stream :default minute :prompt "Minute"))) ;; This could be code to reset the time, but instead ;; we’re just printing it out (format nil "New values: Month: ~D, Day: ~D, Time: ~D:~2,'0D." month day hour minute)) ;; case-name is abort, it names this restart. (abort () (format nil "Time not set")))))
(define-av-test-command (com-reset-clock-1 :name t :menu nil) () (with-slots (own-window-p) clim:*application-frame* (format t "Result: ~S~%" (multiple-value-list ;; (defun reset-clock-1 ;; (&key (stream *query-io*) (ow t)) ...) (reset-clock-1 :ow own-window-p)))) (finish-output *standard-output*)) ;; ^ ^ ;; | av-test slot ;; no idea??? (defun first-app () (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'av-test)))
Regards, Igor.
participants (1)
Rainer Joswig