Re: [mcclim-devel] Fwd: Possible bug in non exclusive list pane.

Hello, When you click on the list, does it change the value? I am getting this error when I click on an item in the list. debugger invoked on a TYPE-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "Stocks Window" RUNNING {100885EE33}>: The value NIL is not of type (MOD 4611686018427387901). Thanks for testing it out. On 08/04/12 20:30, Mariano Montone wrote:
Your program runs without problems in my computer.
I'm running SBCL on Ubuntu
(in-package :climi)
(define-application-frame stocks-window () () (:geometry :width 640 :height 480 :left 64 :top 32) (:panes (index-list (make-pane ':list-pane :id 'index-list :value '("A" "B") :items '("A" "B" "C" "D") :mode ':nonexclusive :prefer-single-selection t :test #'string=))) (:layouts (default (clim-tab-layout:with-tab-layout ('tab-page :name 'layout :height 480) ("A" (spacing (:thickness 8) (horizontally (:x-spacing 4 :y-spacing 4) (labelling (:label "List" :height 128 :width 192) (scrolling (:scroll-bar t) (spacing (:thickness 0) index-list))))))))) (:menu-bar t))
(define-stocks-window-command (com-quit :menu t) () (frame-exit *application-frame*) nil)
(defvar *window-frame* nil)
(defun window () (flet ((run () (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'stocks-window))) (setf *window-frame* frame) (run-frame-top-level frame)))) (sb-thread:make-thread #'run :name "Window")))

Yes. It is working. Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click is also working, selecting several items. I have no idea what your error may be about. Maybe some problem with mcclim + lisp on your platform. Did you have a look at the backtrace, at the function where it fails? Otherwise, I don't know. El 04/08/12 18:44, P C escribió:
When you click on the list, does it change the value?
I am getting this error when I click on an item in the list.
debugger invoked on a TYPE-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "Stocks Window" RUNNING {100885EE33}>: The value NIL is not of type (MOD 4611686018427387901).
Thanks for testing it out.
On 08/04/12 20:30, Mariano Montone wrote:
Your program runs without problems in my computer.
I'm running SBCL on Ubuntu
(in-package :climi)
(define-application-frame stocks-window () () (:geometry :width 640 :height 480 :left 64 :top 32) (:panes (index-list (make-pane ':list-pane :id 'index-list :value '("A" "B") :items '("A" "B" "C" "D") :mode ':nonexclusive :prefer-single-selection t :test #'string=))) (:layouts (default (clim-tab-layout:with-tab-layout ('tab-page :name 'layout :height 480) ("A" (spacing (:thickness 8) (horizontally (:x-spacing 4 :y-spacing 4) (labelling (:label "List" :height 128 :width 192) (scrolling (:scroll-bar t) (spacing (:thickness 0) index-list))))))))) (:menu-bar t))
(define-stocks-window-command (com-quit :menu t) () (frame-exit *application-frame*) nil)
(defvar *window-frame* nil)
(defun window () (flet ((run () (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'stocks-window))) (setf *window-frame* frame) (run-frame-top-level frame)))) (sb-thread:make-thread #'run :name "Window")))

Thank you for your help. I removed mcclim from the quicklisp directories, and then reinstalled it with quicklisp. It seems to work now. I have no idea what I did. On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Mariano Montone <>wrote:
Yes. It is working.
Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click is also working, selecting several items.
I have no idea what your error may be about. Maybe some problem with mcclim + lisp on your platform. Did you have a look at the backtrace, at the function where it fails?
Otherwise, I don't know.
El 04/08/12 18:44, P C escribió:
When you click on the list, does it change the value?
I am getting this error when I click on an item in the list.
debugger invoked on a TYPE-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "Stocks Window" RUNNING {100885EE33}>: The value NIL is not of type (MOD 4611686018427387901).
Thanks for testing it out.
On 08/04/12 20:30, Mariano Montone wrote:
Your program runs without problems in my computer.
I'm running SBCL on Ubuntu
(in-package :climi)
(define-application-frame stocks-window () () (:geometry :width 640 :height 480 :left 64 :top 32) (:panes (index-list (make-pane ':list-pane :id 'index-list :value '("A" "B") :items '("A" "B" "C" "D") :mode ':nonexclusive :prefer-single-selection t :test #'string=))) (:layouts (default (clim-tab-layout:with-tab-layout ('tab-page :name 'layout :height 480) ("A" (spacing (:thickness 8) (horizontally (:x-spacing 4 :y-spacing 4) (labelling (:label "List" :height 128 :width 192) (scrolling (:scroll-bar t) (spacing (:thickness 0) index-list))))))))) (:menu-bar t))
(define-stocks-window-command (com-quit :menu t) () (frame-exit *application-frame*) nil)
(defvar *window-frame* nil)
(defun window () (flet ((run () (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'stocks-window))) (setf *window-frame* frame) (run-frame-top-level frame)))) (sb-thread:make-thread #'run :name "Window")))
participants (2)
Mariano Montone