Jean-Claude BeaudoinCheers,completely reimplemented. This effort is the cause of a two monthssomewhere in between (but clearly not ANSI). To correct thisbut rather conformed to CLTL2 with a few still only CLTL1 orit was realized that a good number of them were not ANSI compliantUpon careful inspection of the major defining macros part of MKCLits release will be delayed by a few more months, making a bugdue to the fact that work on MKCL 1.2.0 has hit a bump recently andThe creation of yet another bug fix release in the MKCL 1.1.X series is
MKCL 1.1.5 is now available for general use. It is a bug fix compilation release
that collects all changes currently committed to the MKCL git repository,
please consult if
you need a detailed log.
fix release therefore relevant.
situation macros defmacro, defsetf and deftype have been
delay in the evolution of MKCL 1.2.0.