On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Sean Champ <spchamp@me.com> wrote:
I was testing out a port for quicklisp on MKCL, today. The file is attached as revised from the original at http://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp
Here is my update on the "Quicklisp on MKCL" situation. The file you attached to your original message worked more or less as is on MKCL 1.1.0 RC2 but that piece provides only a minimal bootstrap loader ("quicklisp-quickstart" it seems to be called) that limits itself to fetching the real full client code of Quicklisp in source form. That second larger version of the Quicklisp client code contains quite a number of platform specific portions (definterface and :implementation pairs) that needed MKCL versions somewhat in the style of what you did for the bootstrap loader but a bit more extensive. That second level port done, I have been able to get quicklisp up and running and received a reasonably good looking reply to a (ql:system-apropos "vecto") query. That is as far as I pushed it at this moment. So I guess that I should now send the MKCL ported client code to the quicklisp maintainer (Zach Beane) for him to validate and eventually merge with the official quicklisp code base. But that may take some time to happen so I could in the meantime send you a tar file of the modified full client code if you need it. Do you? Cheers, Jean-Claude Beaudoin