On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 10:36 AM Blake McBride <blake@mcbridemail.com> wrote:I am running a current 64-bit Fedora Linux system.The version of mkcl I am using is the latest at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/mkcl/mkcl.giton branch "master".Sorry but this is a somewhat oldish backup git repo for MKCL, it is outdated by a couple of commits.I have to update it manually since the automatic updates got broken a few years ago and I haven't done it often enough lately.You should use https://github.com/jcbeaudoin/MKCL.git instead.I did a fresh test and, perhaps, it may be loading. After building a fresh copy, I did the following:[blake@i9-tower xx]$ mkclThis is ManKai Common Lisp 1.1.11Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami HagiyaCopyright (C) 1993 Giuseppe AttardiCopyright (C) 2000 Juan J. Garcia-RipollCopyright (C) 2010-2022 Jean-Claude BeaudoinManKai Common Lisp (MKCL) is free software,and you are welcome to redistribute and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL.See file 'Copyright' in the source code for details.Type :h for Help.Top level in: #<thread "Initial" active (15479) 0x7fbbe03a9740 7fbbd8a0f000>.> (load "quicklisp")==== quicklisp quickstart 2015-01-28 loaded ====To continue with installation, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:install)For installation options, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:help)#P"/home/blake/tmp/xx/quicklisp.lisp"> (load #P"/home/blake/quicklisp/setup.lisp")#P"/home/blake/quicklisp/setup.lisp">So, it actually did load. However, here was the problem. When I did '(load #P"/home/blake/quicklisp/setup.lisp")' it took so long to load that I thought it was hung. (I am on on an I9 with 64GB RAM, running at about 4 Ghz.) It did, however, complete. The second time I tried this it was nearly instantaneous. So I suppose the first time it was compiling everything.I did exactly what you just said. On very first use QuickLisp compiles itself and that manifests as a fairly long pause, it is a design choice that QuickLisp did on its own...However, after I got QuickLisp loaded, I tried: (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) and got the following error:> (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)To load "cl-ppcre":Load 1 ASDF system:cl-ppcre; Loading "cl-ppcre".;;; Error: in file /home/blake/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-ppcre-20230618-git/convert.lisp, end position 14464,;;; and form: (DEFUN MAYBE-ACCUMULATE (STR) ...);;; The function SI::FUNCTION-RETURN-TYPE is undefined.;;; Compilation failed!Debugger called in: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.#<a UIOP/LISP-BUILD:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR 140594891262688>:COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert">Available restarts:Command Restart Name Description:r1 RETRY Retry compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert">.:r2 ACCEPT Continue, treating compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert"> as having been successful.:r3 RETRY Retry ASDF operation.:r4 CLEAR-CONFIGURATION-AND-RETRY Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.:r5 RETRY Retry ASDF operation.:r6 CLEAR-CONFIGURATION-AND-RETRY Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.:r7 ABORT Give up on "cl-ppcre":r8 REGISTER-LOCAL-PROJECTS Register local projects and try again.:r9 RESTART-TOPLEVEL Go back to Top-Level REPL.:r10 ABORT Abort this computation: (SI:TOP-APPLY SI:SAFE-EVAL (SI:TOP-LEVEL) NIL -7).:r11 TERMINATE-THREAD Terminate this thread: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.Type :h for Help.Broken at IHS[14]> LAMBDA. In: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.File: "/home/blake/quicklisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp" (Position #6166)>>I just tried this in my working copy of MKCL, see the result:> (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
To load "cl-ppcre":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-ppcre"
[package cl-ppcre]...............................
> (lisp-implementation-version)
>So, no error reported! Your problem does not seem to reproduce in my context. So much harder to debug...See the value returned by "(lisp-implementation-version)" just above? What is it in your instance?