I was testing out a port for quicklisp on MKCL, today. The file is attached as revised from the original at http://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp
It was a straightforward patch, focusing mostly on sockets support. Basically I just copied the quicklisp implementation package definition for SBCL, with some minor revisions. I was testing it out, then, when I encountered the following error.
I'm not sure if the error may be a matter of the patched quicklisp - going by the debugger output, I'd like to assume it may be a matter of socket streams.
It looks like quicklisp implements its own HTTP client. Maybe there could be a workaround possible, somewhere in that client code?
I wasn't certain about sending the patch to the quicklisp developers, given this 'feature'. Looking at the debugger output, it looks like the error was in mkcl_safe_fclose failing on a socket-output-stream due to a bad FD. Here's the debugger output and backtrace.
215,040 bytes in 1.03 seconds (203.16KB/sec)
; Fetching #<QLQS-HTTP::URL "http://beta.quicklisp.org/quickstart/setup.lisp">
; 4.88KB
4,995 bytes in 0.00 seconds (5546.73KB/sec)
Debugger called in: #<thread "Initial" (3737) 00000000010b7d80>.
Filesystem error with pathname: #<output stream "SOCKET-OUTPUT-STREAM">.
mkcl_safe_fclose() failed.
OS Explanation: (errno == 9) Bad file descriptor.
Broken at IHS[73]> C::COMPILER-DEBUGGER. In: #<thread "Initial" (3560) 000000000164fd80>.
File: "/home/user/workspaces/workspace_gpcl/3rdparty/mkcl-1.0.1/src/cmp/cmputil.lsp" (Position #4195)
QL-UTIL>> :b
IHS[116]> lambda, closure generated from compile-file
IHS[114]> handle-internal-error
IHS[113]> signal
IHS[111]> wrapped-method-function
IHS[110]> standard-compute-effective-method
IHS[109]> compute-effective-method
IHS[108]> compute-effective-method, closure generated from nil
IHS[107]> compute-make-instance-function
IHS[106]> make-instance_nil_class
IHS[105]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[104]> make-condition
IHS[101]> allocate-instance_nil_class
IHS[100]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[99]> class-prototype_nil_class
IHS[98]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[97]> compute-make-instance-function
IHS[96]> make-instance_nil_class
IHS[95]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[94]> make-condition
IHS[91]> make-c1form*
IHS[90]> c1c-inline
IHS[89]> c1call-symbol
IHS[88]> c1expr
IHS[87]> c1stack-push-values
IHS[86]> c1call-symbol
IHS[85]> c1expr
IHS[84]> t1/c1expr
IHS[83]> c1progn
IHS[82]> c1decl-body
IHS[81]> c1let
IHS[80]> c1call-symbol
IHS[79]> c1expr
IHS[78]> c1with-stack
IHS[77]> c1call-symbol
IHS[76]> c1expr
IHS[75]> c1multiple-value-prog1
IHS[74]> c1call-symbol
IHS[73]> c1expr
IHS[72]> c1unwind-protect
IHS[71]> c1call-symbol
IHS[70]> c1expr
IHS[69]> t1/c1expr
IHS[68]> c1progn
IHS[67]> c1decl-body
IHS[66]> c1let
IHS[65]> c1call-symbol
IHS[64]> c1expr
IHS[63]> c1call-symbol
IHS[62]> c1expr
IHS[61]> t1/c1expr
IHS[60]> c1progn
IHS[59]> c1block
IHS[58]> c1call-symbol
IHS[57]> c1expr
IHS[56]> t1/c1expr
IHS[55]> c1progn
IHS[54]> c1decl-body
IHS[53]> c1locally
IHS[52]> c1call-symbol
IHS[51]> c1expr
IHS[50]> c1lambda-expr
IHS[49]> c1compile-function
IHS[48]> c1function
IHS[47]> c1call-symbol
IHS[46]> c1expr
IHS[45]> c1fset
IHS[44]> c1call-symbol
IHS[43]> c1expr
IHS[42]> t1ordinary
IHS[41]> t1expr*
IHS[40]> t1/c1expr
IHS[39]> c1progn
IHS[38]> c1eval-when
IHS[37]> t1expr*
IHS[36]> t1/c1expr
IHS[35]> c1progn
IHS[34]> t1expr*
IHS[33]> t1expr*
IHS[32]> t1expr
IHS[31]> lambda, closure generated from compile-file
IHS[30]> do-compilation-unit
IHS[29]> compile-file
IHS[28]> compile-file*
IHS[27]> perform_nil_compile-op_cl-source-file
IHS[26]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[25]> lambda, closure generated from standard-main-effective-method
IHS[24]> perform-with-restarts_nil_t_t
IHS[23]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[22]> perform-with-restarts_nil_compile-op_cl-source-file, closure generated from nil
IHS[21]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[20]> lambda, closure generated from combine-method-functions
IHS[19]> lambda, closure generated from operate_nil_t_t
IHS[18]> do-compilation-unit
IHS[17]> do-compilation-unit
IHS[16]> operate_nil_t_t
IHS[15]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[14]> lambda, closure generated from standard-main-effective-method
IHS[13]> oos
IHS[12]> bytecode [Evaluation of: (let ((*compile-print* nil) (*compile-verbose* nil) (*load-verbose* nil) (*load-print* nil)) (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op "quicklisp" :verbose nil))]
IHS[11]> initial-install
IHS[10]> lambda
IHS[9]> lambda, closure generated from wrapped-method-function
IHS[8]> call-with-quiet-compilation
IHS[7]> install
IHS[6]> bytecode [Evaluation of: (quicklisp-quickstart:install)]
IHS[5]> lambda, closure generated from interactive-loop