I am running a current 64-bit Fedora Linux system.

The version of mkcl I am using is the latest at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/mkcl/mkcl.git
on branch "master".

I did a fresh test and, perhaps, it may be loading.  After building a fresh copy, I did the following:

[blake@i9-tower xx]$ mkcl

This is ManKai Common Lisp 1.1.11

Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya
Copyright (C) 1993 Giuseppe Attardi
Copyright (C) 2000 Juan J. Garcia-Ripoll
Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Jean-Claude Beaudoin

ManKai Common Lisp (MKCL) is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
See file 'Copyright' in the source code for details.

Type :h for Help.
Top level in: #<thread "Initial" active (15479) 0x7fbbe03a9740 7fbbd8a0f000>.
> (load "quicklisp")

  ==== quicklisp quickstart 2015-01-28 loaded ====

    To continue with installation, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:install)

    For installation options, evaluate: (quicklisp-quickstart:help)

> (load #P"/home/blake/quicklisp/setup.lisp")


So, it actually did load.  However, here was the problem.  When I did  '(load #P"/home/blake/quicklisp/setup.lisp")' it took so long to load that I thought it was hung.  (I am on on an I9 with 64GB RAM, running at about 4 Ghz.)  It did, however, complete.  The second time I tried this it was nearly instantaneous.  So I suppose the first time it was compiling everything.

However, after I got QuickLisp loaded, I tried: (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) and got the following error:

> (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
To load "cl-ppcre":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-ppcre"
;;; Error: in file /home/blake/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-ppcre-20230618-git/convert.lisp, end position 14464,
;;;     and form: (DEFUN MAYBE-ACCUMULATE (STR) ...)
;;;   The function SI::FUNCTION-RETURN-TYPE is undefined.
;;; Compilation failed!

Debugger called in: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.

    COMPILE-FILE-ERROR while compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert">
Available restarts:

Command   Restart Name        Description
:r1       RETRY               Retry compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert">.
:r2       ACCEPT              Continue, treating compiling #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-ppcre" "convert"> as having been successful.
:r3       RETRY               Retry ASDF operation.
:r4       CLEAR-CONFIGURATION-AND-RETRY Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.
:r5       RETRY               Retry ASDF operation.
:r6       CLEAR-CONFIGURATION-AND-RETRY Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.
:r7       ABORT               Give up on "cl-ppcre"
:r8       REGISTER-LOCAL-PROJECTS Register local projects and try again.
:r9       RESTART-TOPLEVEL    Go back to Top-Level REPL.
:r10      ABORT               Abort this computation: (SI:TOP-APPLY SI:SAFE-EVAL (SI:TOP-LEVEL) NIL -7).
:r11      TERMINATE-THREAD    Terminate this thread: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.

Type :h for Help.
Broken at IHS[14]> LAMBDA. In: #<thread "Initial" active (16383) 0x7fdeeaa93740 7fdee30f9000>.
 File: "/home/blake/quicklisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp" (Position #6166)

However, this sequence works on sbcl, ccl, clisp, ecl, and abcl.


Blake McBride

------- Original Message -------
On Friday, September 22nd, 2023 at 9:57 PM, Jean-Claude Beaudoin <jean.claude.beaudoin@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 7:29 PM Blake McBride <blake@mcbridemail.com> wrote:

I am unable to load standard QuickLisp with mkcl. Is that normal?

No, it is not normal. It used to work and has been working for quite a long time, at least that is what I thought.
I am not a regular user of QuickLisp but I do have it (an old version probably) in my default MKCL startup configuration (~/.mkclrc file). I admit that it has also been a very long time since I did a fresh reinstall of QuickLisp on a recent MKCL.

Could you be a bit more specific on the symptoms you are witnessing? What version of MKCL was this?
What were you trying to do with QuickLisp (version also?) and what were the exact error messages it produced?


Jean-Claude Beaudoin