Yep! That's a goofy bug of mine. I hit on it recently in a somewhat different context.On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:41 PM, Stefan Husmann <> wrote:
I have a linking problem under Arch Linux with GCC 6.3.1 toolchain.
;;; About to build main executable mkcl.
build-program failed: (mkcl:run-command "\"gcc\" -o \"/home/haawda/paketierung/meine_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/bin/mkcl-small\" \"-Wl,--whole-archive\" \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/bin/MKCLINITBQHUwf.o\" \"-Wl,--no-whole-archive\" -rdynamic -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,--whole-archive \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/mkcltop.a\" \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/lsp.a\" \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/mkclmin.a\" \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/mkclgc.a\" \"/home/haawda/paketierung/mei ne_Pakete/mkcl/src/mkcl-1.1. 10/src/libmkcc1.a\" -Wl,--no-whole-archive-Wl,-O1, --sort-common,--as-needed,-z,r elro -lgmp -lm -lrt -pthread -ldl ") returned non-zero value 1
Command output:
/usr/bin/ld: unrecognized option '--no-whole-archive-Wl'
/usr/bin/ld: use the --help option for usage information
This happens both with mkcl 1.1.10 tarball and newest sources from .
I think this comes from the gc subdirectory's configure script.
Don't think so. I'd bet much more on a missing blank space somewhere in mkcl/src/cmp/cmpmain.lsp or mkcl/src/cmp/'ll investigate and get back to you with a possible fix.Help would be appreciated.
Best Regards
Stefan Husmann