On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Ralph Möritz <ralph.moeritz@outlook.com>wrote:
I just downloaded MKCL-1.1.0 & tried compiling a small "Hello, world" program on Windows without success. Here's what I tried:
1. Add "C:\Program Files\MKCL 1.1\bin" to my PATH. 2. Run `mkcl -not-fasl-p -compile hello.lisp` which produces lisp.o 3. Now what? I've tried (...) `mkcl -o hello.exe -link hello.o` which produces the following error:
build-program failed: Unknown keyword :LISP-FILES
MKCL 1.1.1 is now available (on common-lisp.net) with the fix for that problem. So you will have now the problem of running "hello.exe" per se. In that you are likely to hit against two annoyances: (1) location of MKCL's runtime object code shared library, (2) location of MKCL's loadable modules directory. (1) can be taken care of by proper setting of the "path" environment variable on MS-Windows and by some equivalent setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux and other unixes. (2) is usually found as a relative path from the MKCL startup executable, i.e: "<executable location>\..\lib\mkcl-1.1.1". So, given an executable of say "c:\foo\bar\hello.exe" then MKCL will look for its support files/modules in "c:\foo\bar\..\lib\mkcl-1.1.1". If that fails then MKCL tries to look at its logical device "SYS" which has a default value set at MKCL's build time which can be overridden through environment variable MKCL_LIBDIR. Since it is most likely that "hello.exe" will not reside at the required relative path of the needed loadable modules directory, then the use of MKCL_LIBDIR is most likely necessary. With MKCL 1.1.1 and earlier, an invalid value of MKCL_LIBDIR (combined with an unlucky executable location) will most likely manifest itself through the cryptic message: MKCL: Unable to open Unicode character database file: c:\<your path here>\lib\mkcl-1.1.1\ucd.dat In MS-Windows, the solution will be to do something like: set MKCL_LIBDIR=c:\<proper path here>\lib\mkcl-1.1.1 or to do the equivalent environment variable setting on Linux and others. The "ucd.dat" file and the MKCL_LIBDIR environment variable are legacy devices whose role, location and proper existence will need to be significantly reassessed (soon?) but can be accommodated with for the time being. I hope this is useful for you. Cheers, Jean-Claude Beaudoin