Re: [Mkcl-devel] Fwd: Re: [cl-ppcre] Expected end of string - error while compiling cl-ppcre (#19)

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 3:33 AM, .Santanu Chakrabarti <> wrote:
I am using recent version of MKCL version 1.1.8 on Ubuntu 11.10. Processor is AMD dual core 32 bit, but I forgot exact specification.
Thanks. I got enough info to reproduce the problem. It looks like a case of bad optimizer applied by the compiler when (safety 0) is used. So, as a quick fix, if you have direct control over this you could raise the "safety" level to 1 or more (anything above 0) and the problem should disappear. I will investigate some more and fix the guilty optimizer shortly.

The fix for the issue your raised in now in MKCL's git repository and will be part of MKCL 1.1.9, to be released in a few days. In the meantime if you need immediate access to it you could clone the MKCL git repository using this command: git clone git:// and rebuild MKCL from it (the usual "configure"; make install sequence). Thank you again for your bug report.
participants (1)
Jean-Claude Beaudoin