18th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
May 19-20 2025
SGH, Zurich, Switzerland
Sponsered by SGH
Special Focus
This year, we suggest a special focus on artifical intelligence, and
meta-programming beyond macros.
Invited Speakers
Anurag Mendhekar
Joerg Gutknecht
Important Dates
- Registration opens: Dec 10 2024
- Submission deadline: Mar 02 2025
- Author notification: Mar 30 2025
- Final papers due: Apr 13 2025
- Early Registration: May 04 2025
- Symposium: May 19-20 2025
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and
application of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp,
Scheme, Emacs Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan,
SKILL, Hy, Shen, Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so
on. We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms. Papers and experience
reports must not overlap significantly with the authors’ previously
published work in a peer reviewed publication, and must not be under
review on another journal or conference. Also, authors must agree with
our publication ethics and malpractice statement (cf.
* Papers: technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Experience reports: papers of up to 6 pages describing a successful
use of a Lisp dialect and/or analyzing obstacles that have kept it
from working in practice.
* Tutorials: abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest.
* Demonstrations: abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
For information on the submission format, please refer to the
"Submission" section at https://www.european-lisp-symposium.org/2025.
Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair at the following link:
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission in the title field in the submission form.
Programme Chair
François-René Rideau Đặng-Vũ Bân, MuKn, USA
Organizing Chair
Didier Verna, EPITA / LRE, France
Programme Committee
Conrad Barski, USA
Marc Battyani, Enfabrica, USA
Dave Cooper, Genworks, USA
Ryan Culpepper, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Eitaro Fukamachi, Japan
Robert Goldman, SIFT, USA
Gavin Gray, Brown University, USA
Jason Hemann, Seton Hall University, USA
Kristopher Micinski, Syracuse University, USA
Marco Morazan, Seton Hall University, USA
Michael Raskin, LaBRI, France
Masatoshi Sano, Nayuta, Japan
Dimitris Vyzovitis, Mighty Gerbils
Local Chair
Yukari Hafner, Shirakumo.org, Switzerland
Virtualization Team
Georgiy Tugai, Configura, Sweden
Yukari Hafner, Shirakumo.org, Switzerland
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
17th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
May 6-7 2024
Federal Computing Center, Vienna, Austria
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: Feb. 25 2024 ** EXTENDED **
- Author notification: Mar. 24 2024
- Final papers due: Apr. 14 2024
- Symposium: May 6-7 2024
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
This year, we suggest an emphasis on best practices, approaches,
and technologies for building highly recursive and self-adapting
architectures, in particular for AI, ML, tool integration and
instruction generation, using dynamic programming languages.
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms.
* Papers: technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Experience reports: papers of up to 6 pages describing a successful
use of a Lisp dialect and/or analyzing obstacles that have kept it
from working in practice.
* Tutorials: abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest.
* Demonstrations: abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
link http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=els2024.
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Giuseppe Attardi, University of Pisa, Italy
Organizing Chair
Didier Verna, EPITA, France
Programme Committee
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Untypable LLC
Frederic Peschanski, UPMC/LIP6
Jay McCarthy, UMass Lowell
Jim Newton, EPITA Research Lab
Kai Selgrad, OTH Regensburg
Mark Evenson, not.org
Michael Raskin, LaBRI/CNRS UMR 5800, University of Bordeaux
Robert Smith, HRL Laboratories LLC
Robert P. Goldman, SIFT LLC
Stefan Monnier, Université de Montréal
Local Chair
Philipp Marek, BRZ, Vienna, Austria
Virtualization Team
Georgiy Tugai, Configura, Sweden
Michal Herda, Poland
Yukari Hafner, Shirakumo.org, Switzerland
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Jazz site: http://www.didierverna.com
Other sites: http://www.didierverna.info
17th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
May 6-7 2024
Federal Computing Center, Vienna, Austria
Sponsored by EPITA
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: Feb. 18 2024
- Author notification: Mar. 24 2024
- Final papers due: Apr. 14 2024
- Symposium: May 6-7 2024
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
This year, we suggest an emphasis on best practices, approaches,
and technologies for building highly recursive and self-adapting
architectures, in particular for AI, ML, tool integration and
instruction generation, using dynamic programming languages.
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms.
* Papers: technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Experience reports: papers of up to 6 pages describing a successful
use of a Lisp dialect and/or analyzing obstacles that have kept it
from working in practice.
* Tutorials: abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest.
* Demonstrations: abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
link http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=els2024.
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Giuseppe Attardi, University of Pisa, Italy
Programme Committee
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Untypable LLC
Frederic Peschanski, UPMC/LIP6
Jay McCarthy, UMass Lowell
Jim Newton, EPITA Research Lab
Kai Selgrad, OTH Regensburg
Mark Evenson, not.org
Michael Raskin, LaBRI/CNRS UMR 5800, University of Bordeaux
Robert Smith, HRL Laboratories LLC
Robert P. Goldman, SIFT LLC
Stefan Monnier, Université de Montréal
Local Chair
Philipp Marek, BRZ, Vienna, Austria
Virtualization Team
Georgiy Tugai, Configura, Sweden
Michał Herda, Poland
Yukari Hafner, Shirakumo.org, Switzerland
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Jazz site: http://www.didierverna.com
Other sites: http://www.didierverna.info
16th European Lisp Symposium
In-Cooperation-With: ACM SIGLAN
Call for Participation
April 24-25, 2023
Startup Village, Amsterdam, Nederlands
Sponsored by EPITA, DIRO, MLPrograms, Franz Inc., and SISCOG
Recent News
Registrer now. Early bird discount closing soon!
Keynote details now available.
Important Dates
- Final papers due: April 9, 2023
- Early registration deadline: April 9, 2023
- Symposium: April 24-25, 2023
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
##### Artificial Intelligence: a Problem of Plumbing?
-- Gerald J. Sussman, MIT CSAIL, USA
We have made amazing progress in the construction and deployment of
systems that do work originally thought to require human-like
intelligence. On the symbolic side we have world-champion
Chess-playing and Go-playing systems. We have deductive systems and
algebraic manipulation systems that exceed the capabilities of human
mathematicians. We are now observing the rise of connectionist
mechanisms that appear to see and hear pretty well, and chatbots that
appear to have some impressive linguistic ability. But there is a
serious problem. The mechanisms that can distinguish pictures of cats
from pictures of dogs have no idea what a cat or a dog is. The
chatbots have no idea what they are talking about. The algebraic
systems do not understand anything about the real physical world. And
no deontic logic system has any idea about feelings and morality.
So what is the problem? We generally do not know how to combine
systems so that a system that knows how to solve problems of class A
and another system that knows how to solve problems of class B can be
combined to solve not just problems of class A or class B but can
solve problems that require both skills that are needed for problems
of class A and skills that are needed for problems of class B.
Perhaps this is partly a problem of plumbing. We do not have
linguistic structures that facilitate discovering and building
combinations. This is a fundamental challenge for the
programming-language community. We need appropriate ideas for abstract
plumbing fittings that enable this kind of cooperation among disparate
mechanisms. For example, why is the amazingly powerful tree
exploration mechanism that is used for games not also available, in
the same system, to a deductive engine that is being applied to a
social interaction problem?
I will attempt to elucidate this problem and perhaps point at avenues
of attack that we may work on together.
##### Hedy: Gradual, Multi-Lingual, and Teacher-Centric Programming Education
-- Felienne Hermans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Nederlands
When kids learn to program they often use either a visual language
like Scratch, or a textual language like Python. While visual
languages are great for the first steps, children and educators often
want to move on to textual languages. However, early on, a textual
language and its error messages can be scary. Hedy aims to bridge this
gap with a programming language that is gradual, using different
language levels.
In level 1, there is hardly any syntax at all; printing is done with:
print hello!
At every level, new syntax and concepts are added, so learners do not
have to master everything at once. Hedy builds up to a subset of
Python including conditions, loops, variables, and lists.
To make learning as accessible as possible, Hedy also allows for the
use of localized keywords, f.e in Spanish: imprimir Hello! Hedy
(www.hedy.org) was launched in early 2020 and over 5 million Hedy
progams have been created to date, and has been translated into 46
##### A Language-Based Approach to Programming with Serialized Data
-- Michael Vollmer, School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
It is common for software running today to use object representations
fixed by the language runtime system; both the Java and Haskell
runtimes dictate an object layout, and the compiler must stick to it
for all programs. And yet when humans optimize a program, one of their
primary levers on performance is changing data representation. For
example, an HPC programmer knows how to pack a regular tree into a
byte array for more efficient access. Unfortunately, this is
error-prone, making it an undesirable way to achieve performance
optimization at the expense of safety and readability.
Furthermore, whenever a program receives data from the network or
disk, rigid insistence on a particular heap layout causes an impedance
mismatch we know as deserialization. Data represented in memory has
pointers and arbitrary, sparse layout, while data on disk is packed
contiguously, so data must be transformed from one form to another and
Programming with serialized data is a technique for unifying the
in-memory and on-disk representations of data, where the serialized
form is used both on-disk and in-memory. This technique allows data
processing programs to skip the deserialization/reserialization steps
by operating directly on the data in its serialized form. It also
represents a principled approach to optimizing programs by compacting
data representations, which increases locality and minimizes
In this talk, I will present a programming language, LoCal, for
programming with serialized data. I will also describe Gibbon, an
experimental compiler that automatically transforms functional
programs to operate on serialized data.
##### Run-Time Verification of Communication Protocols in Clojure
-- Sung-Shik Jongmans, Open Universiteit, Nederlands
To simplify shared-memory concurrent programming, languages have
started to offer core support for high-level communications
primitives, in the form of message passing though channels, in
addition to lower-level synchronization primitives. Yet, a growing
body of evidence suggests that channel-based programming abstractions
also have their issues.
The Discourje project aims to help programmers cope with channels and
concurrency bugs in Clojure programs, based on dynamic analysis. The
idea is that programmers write not only implementations of
communication protocols in their Clojure programs, but also
specifications. Discourje then offers a run-time verification library
to ensure that channel actions in implementations are safe relative to
Programme Chair
Stefan Monnier, DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada
Programme Committee
Mark Evenson, not.org, Austria
Marco Heisig, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Ioanna Dimitriou, Igalia S.L., Germany
Robert Smith, HRL Laboratories
Mattias Engdegård
Marc Feeley, Université de Montréal, Canada
Marc Battyani, FractalConcept
Alan Ruttenberg, National Center for Ontological Research, USA
Nick Levine, RavenPack, Spain
Ludovic Courtès, Inria, France
Matthew Flatt, University of Utah, USA
Irène Durand, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Jay McCarthy, Brigham Young University, USA
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Cisco
Christopher League, Long Island University, NY, USA
Pascal Costanza, Intel, Belgium
Christian Queinnec
Local Chair
Breanndán Ó Nualláin, Machine Learning Programs, Nederlands
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
16th European Lisp Symposium
In-Cooperation-With: ACM SIGLAN
Call for Participation
April 24-25, 2023
Startup Village, Amsterdam, Nederlands
Sponsored by EPITA, DIRO, MLPrograms, Franz Inc., and SISCOG
Recent News
Registrations are now open (early bird deadline: April 9)
Keynote speakers announced (see below)
Important Dates
- Author notification: March 26, 2023
- Final papers due: April 9, 2023
- Early registration deadline: April 9, 2023
- Symposium: April 24-25, 2023
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
##### Artificial Intelligence: a Problem of Plumbing?
-- Gerald J. Sussman, MIT CSAIL, USA
We have made amazing progress in the construction and deployment of
systems that do work originally thought to require human-like
intelligence. On the symbolic side we have world-champion
Chess-playing and Go-playing systems. We have deductive systems and
algebraic manipulation systems that exceed the capabilities of human
mathematicians. We are now observing the rise of connectionist
mechanisms that appear to see and hear pretty well, and chatbots that
appear to have some impressive linguistic ability. But there is a
serious problem. The mechanisms that can distinguish pictures of cats
from pictures of dogs have no idea what a cat or a dog is. The
chatbots have no idea what they are talking about. The algebraic
systems do not understand anything about the real physical world. And
no deontic logic system has any idea about feelings and morality.
So what is the problem? We generally do not know how to combine
systems so that a system that knows how to solve problems of class A
and another system that knows how to solve problems of class B can be
combined to solve not just problems of class A or class B but can
solve problems that require both skills that are needed for problems
of class A and skills that are needed for problems of class B.
Perhaps this is partly a problem of plumbing. We do not have
linguistic structures that facilitate discovering and building
combinations. This is a fundamental challenge for the
programming-language community. We need appropriate ideas for abstract
plumbing fittings that enable this kind of cooperation among disparate
mechanisms. For example, why is the amazingly powerful tree
exploration mechanism that is used for games not also available, in
the same system, to a deductive engine that is being applied to a
social interaction problem?
I will attempt to elucidate this problem and perhaps point at avenues
of attack that we may work on together.
##### Gradual, Multi-Lingual, and Teacher-Centric Programming Education
-- Felienne Hermans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Nederlands
Programme Chair
Stefan Monnier, DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada
Programme Committee
Mark Evenson, not.org, Austria
Marco Heisig, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Ioanna Dimitriou, Igalia S.L., Germany
Robert Smith, HRL Laboratories
Mattias Engdegård
Marc Feeley, Université de Montréal, Canada
Marc Battyani, FractalConcept
Alan Ruttenberg, National Center for Ontological Research, USA
Nick Levine, Ravenbrook Ltd, UK
Ludovic Courtès, Inria, France
Matthew Flatt, University of Utah, USA
Irène Durand, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Jay McCarthy, Brigham Young University, USA
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Cisco
Christopher League, Long Island University, NY, USA
Pascal Costanza, Intel, Belgium
Christian Queinnec
Local Chair
Breanndán Ó Nualláin, Machine Learning Programs, Nederlands
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
16th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
April 24-25, 2023
Startup Village, Amsterdam, Nederlands
Sponsored by EPITA, DIRO, MLPrograms, Franz Inc., and SISCOG
Recent News
First keynote speaker announced: Gerald Jay Sussman, MIT, MA, USA
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: February 26, 2023
- Author notification: March 26, 2023
- Final papers due: April 9, 2023
- Symposium: April 24-25, 2023
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation, and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation, and deployment
- development methodologies, support, and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms.
* Papers: technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Experience reports: papers of up to 6 pages describing a successful
use of a Lisp dialect and/or analyzing obstacles that have kept it
from working in practice.
* Tutorials: abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest.
* Demonstrations: abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
link http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=els2023.
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Stefan Monnier, DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada
Programme Committee
Stefan Monnier, Université de Montréal, Canada
Mark Evenson, RavenPack
Marco Heisig, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Ioanna Dimitriou, Igalia S.L., Spain, Germany
Robert Smith
Mattias Engdegård
Marc Feeley, Université de Montréal, Canada
Marc Battyani, FractalConcept
Alan Ruttenberg, National Center for Ontological Research, USA
Nick Levine, Ravenbrook Ltd, UK
Ludovic Courtès, Inria, France
Matthew Flatt, University of Utah, USA
Irène Durand, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Jay McCarthy, Brigham Young University, USA
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Cisco
Christopher League, Long Island University, NY, USA
Local Chair
Breanndán Ó Nualláin, Machine Learning Programs, Nederlands
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
15th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
March 21-22, 2022
FEUP, Porto, Portugal & Online
In co-location with <Programming>
Sponsored by EPITA and Franz Inc.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: January 23, 2022
- Author notification: February 21, 2022
- Final papers due: March 7, 2022
- Symposium: March 21-22, 2022
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- language design and implementation
- language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- development methodologies, support and environments
- educational approaches and perspectives
- experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms.
* Papers: technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Demonstrations: abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
* Tutorials: abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to
180 minutes.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
link http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=els2021.
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Jim Newton - EPITA Research Lab, France
Programme Committee
Philipp Meier, Nubank
Ioanna M. Dimitriou H., Igalia
Mikhail Raskin, Technical University of Munich
Nick Levine, RavenPack
Adrien Pommellet, EPITA Research Lab
Marco Heisig, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Alberto Riva, Bioinformatics Core, ICBR, University of Florida
Marco Antoniotti, DISCo, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Nicolas Neuss, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Christophe Rhodes, Google
Irène Anne Durand, LaBRI University of Bordeaux
Ralf Moeller
Breanndán Ó Nualláin
Marc Battyani, Fractal Concept
Pascal Costanza, Intel, Belgium
@-quartet / ¡En Seguida! live au Sunside, 9 Février 2022, 21h30 !
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
15th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
March 21-22, 2022
FEUP, Porto, Portugal & Online
In co-location with <Programming>
Sponsored by EPITA
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: January 23, 2022
- Author notification: February 21, 2022
- Final papers due: March 7, 2022
- Symposium: March 21-22, 2022
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about novel
research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms:
* Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
* Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to
180 minutes.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Jim Newton - EPITA Research Lab (LRDE), France
Programme Committee
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
14th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
May 3 - May 4, 2021
Online / Everywhere
Sponsored by EPITA and RavenPack
Invited Speakers
Nada Amin - Harvard SEAS
others tba
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: March 7, 2021
- Author notification: April 6, 2021
- Final papers due: April 19, 2021
- Symposium: May 3 - May 4, 2021
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium 2021 invites high quality papers about
novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms:
* Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
* Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to
180 minutes.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Marco Heisig - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Local Chairs
Michał Herda
Mark Evenson - RavenPack
Programme Committee
Ioanna Dimitriou - Igalia
Irène Durand - LaBRI University of Bordeaux
R. Matthew Emerson - thoughtstuff LLC
Matthew Flatt - University of Utah
Jonathan Godbout - Google
Paulo Matos - Linki Tools
David McClain - SpectroDynamics, LLC
Stefan Monnier - University of Montreal
Jim Newton - EPITA Research Lab
Kent Pitman - HyperMeta Inc.
Christophe Rhodes - Google
Kai Selgrad - OTH Regensburg
Olin Shivers - Northeastern University
Robert Smith - Rigetti Quantum Computing
Michael Sperber - DeinProgramm
Evrim Ulu - Middle East Technical University
Breanndán Ó Nualláin - Machine Learning Programs
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
14th European Lisp Symposium
Call for Papers
May 3 - May 4, 2021
Online / Everywhere
Sponsored by EPITA and RavenPack
Invited Speakers
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: March 7, 2021
- Author notification: April 6, 2021
- Final papers due: April 19, 2021
- Symposium: May 3 - May 4, 2021
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and
dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application
of any of the Lisp dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs
Lisp, Clojure, Racket, ACL2, AutoLisp, ISLISP, Dylan, SKILL, Hy, Shen,
Carp, Janet, uLisp, Picolisp, Gamelisp, TXR, and so on. We encourage
everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The European Lisp Symposium 2021 invites high quality papers about
novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
Technical Program
We invite submissions in the following forms:
* Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
* Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
* Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations
about topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to
180 minutes.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and
terms. Submissions should be uploaded to Easy Chair, at the following
Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of
submission by entering either "paper", "demo", or "tutorial" in the
Keywords field.
Programme Chair
Marco Heisig - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Local Chairs
Michał Herda
Mark Evenson - RavenPack
Programme Committee
Didier Verna