Hi all,
I'd like to come along (for the first time actually), but I arrive at HBf just after 21:00 on Monday. If most people can make it on Monday, I'll just see how many people are left when I'm there...
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Alexander Burger <abu(a)software-lab.de>
> Gesendet: 28.09.06 15:07:09
> An: "hendrik(a)levsen.org" <hendrik(a)levsen.org>
> CC: munich-lisp(a)common-lisp.net
> Betreff: Re: [munich-lisp] Biergarten Monday
> Hi Hendrik,
> I think I can make it next Monday (Oct. 2nd).
> Is this the Augustiner-Keller (Arnulfstr.)?
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> Alexander Burger
> Software Lab. / 7fach GmbH
> Bahnhofstr. 24a, D-86462 Langweid
> abu(a)software-lab.de, http://www.software-lab.de, +49 821 9907090
> _______________________________________________
> http://lisp.tech.coop/Munich
> munich-lisp mailing list
> munich-lisp(a)common-lisp.net
> http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/munich-lisp
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Ok 3 people confirmed (we'll be around until 21h00 for the latecomer) so it's definite that I'll be at Augustiner Biergarten on Monday starting 19h00. It's at Arnulfstrasse withing walking distance from the train station and the web site is http://www.augustinerkeller.de/.
The meeting is outside near the 'checkout' registers in the back and I'll bring some sort of Lisp sign. If the weather is bad the meeting is in the cellar downstairs, just look around.
Hello folks,
are there still any Lispers in Munich? It's been a while and although at
the last meeting we had some interesting conversations, not many people
participated. Would anyone care for another meeting, i.e. on Monday
evening. The weather is supposed to be good, maybe for the last time this
year, and next day is a holiday, too.
The Augustiner beergarten wasn't bad so we could meet there again e.g. at
19h00 or later if you are stuck at work. Augustiner also has an inside
restaurant (huge basement) in case the weather doesn't turn out as promised.
If sufficiently many people (i.e. 3) aye! this proposal, I'll show up there
at 19h00 and have my mobile ready at 0163-3925157 for your SMS's if there
is a problem, but obviously it does not work in the basement.
Cheers everyone
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