Dear Colleagues,
The deadline to register for TFP 2007 is quickly approaching. You may
register at: . Also, please be
advised that the deadline to make hotel reservations at the guaranteed
rate for TFP 2007 participants is also quickly approaching. Hotel
information can be found at:
You may browse the program and schedule for TFP 2007 at: .
We look forward to seeing you in NYC!!!
Dr. Marco T. Morazan
TFP 2007
Program Committee Chair
Dear Colleagues,
You may now resgister for TFP 2007! TFP 2007 will be held April 2-4, 2007
in New
York City, USA. Our invited speaker is John McCarthy, Stanford University.
details can be found at our homepage: .
You may register at: . The
deadline is March 2, 2007 (11:59 p.m. EST). Accomodations information may
be found
at: . We kindly remind you
that the
deadline to make a hotel reservation at the guaranteed rates offered to
TFP 2007
participants is also quickly approaching.
We are proud to announce our program of accepted talks:
Unifying Hybrid Types and Contracts
Jessica Gronski and Cormac Flanagan
A Dual Semantics for the Data Description Calculus
Yitzhak Mandelbaum, Kathleen Fisher, and David Walker
A Metalanguage for Structural Operational Semantics
Matthew Lakin and Andrew Pitts
An Arrow Based Semantics for Interactive Applications
Peter Achten, Marko van Eekelen, Maarten de Mol, and Rinus Plasmeijer
Dependent Types: Easy as Pie
Dimitrios Vytiniotis and Stephanie Weirich
Constructing Correct Circuits -- Hardware Modelling with Dependent Types
Edwin Brady, James McKinna, and Kevin Hammond
Why Would Extensible Dependent Types Matter
Pablo Nogueira and Bruno Oliveira
Bytecode Verification for Haskell
Robert Dockins and Samuel Z. Guyer
UnreadTVar: Extending Haskell Software Transactional Memory for
Nehir Sonmez, Cristian Perfumo, Srdjan Stipic, Adrian Cristal, Osman S.
Unsal, and Mateo Valero
A New Functional Implementation of Grover's Fast Search Algorithm
Justin Stallard and Murray Gross
An Inference Algorithm for Guaranteeing Safe Destruction
Manuel Montenegro, Ricardo Peña, and Clara Segura
Hierarchical Master/Worker Skeletons
Jost Berthold, Mischa Dieterle, Rita Loogen, and Steffen Priebe
Property Directed Generation of First-Order Test Data
Fredrik Lindblad
Refactoring for Comprehension
Gustavo Villavicencio
Towards a Box Calculus for Hume
Gudmund Grov and Greg Michaelson
Scaled Regression: A Refinement of Primitive Recursion
Daniel Leivant
Equality-Based Uniqueness Typing
Edsko de Vries, Rinus Plasmeijer, and David Abrahamson
Lightweight Static Resources: Sexy Types for Embedded and Systems
Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan
Space-Efficient Gradual Typing
David Herman, Aaron Tomb, and Cormac Flanagan
Use-Based Reference of Polymorphism
Dave King and John Hannan
Designing a Generic Graph Library Using ML Functors
Sylvain Conchon, Jean-Christophe Filliatre, and Julien Signoles
The SCIence Joint Research Activity
Kevin Hammond, Dana Petcu, Phil Trinder, Abdallah Al Zain, Steve Linton,
and Greg Michaelson
Generic and Index Programming
Jeremy Gibbons, Meng Wang, and Bruno C d. S. Oliveira
The AHA Project
Marko van Eekelen, Olha Shkaravska, Ron van Kesteren, Bart Jacobs, Sjaak
Smetsers, and Erik Poll
Studying Helium Program Bahaviour with the Neon Library
Jurriaan Hage and Peter van Keeken
Design and Implementation of JFP
Hao Xu
Hop Client-Side Compilation
Florian Loitsch
Adaptive High-Level Scheduling in a Generic Parallel Runtime Environment
Jost Berthold, Abyd Al-Zain, and Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
Bundles Pack Tighter than Lists
Francisco Lopez-Fraguas, Juan Rodriguez-Hortala, and Jaime
Model-Based Testing of Thin-Client Web Applications and Navigation Input
Pieter Koopman, Peter Achten, and Rinus Plasmeijer
We look forward to seeing you at TFP 2007!
Dr. Marco T. Morazan
TFP 2007
Program Committee Chair