Es tut mir leid aber Ich kann nicht jetz sprechen sehr gut Deutsch.
I hope that's OK! Do people on this list talk English at all, or is
it only for German speakers?
I'd just like to say "hi", I moved to Munich (Pasing) in March and I
only just found out that this list exists. I've been programming, in
one sense or another, for 24 of my 31 years on this planet, but I've
been dabbling in various Lisp dialects on the side for the last few
years. The only Lisp I've ever written commercially is Emacs Lisp,
but I now work for myself and I am planning on writing some tools,
probably in Clozure/OpenMCL on the Mac. Step one is to re-read "On
Lisp" and get my head back into Common Lisp mode after a long hiatus.
Geoffrey Teale
Software and Technology Consultant, München