Hi all,
it's been quiet in the Munich Lisp Group for quite some time. For too long, as Peter Herth and myself agreed on in a private conversation.
I'd hence suggest meeting in the first, or second week of december.
And to give some incentive to the meeting, I agreed to give an informal talk about Slime, the Emacs mode for editing Common Lisp code. The objective of the talk is to pass on the knowledge I collected over the past two years hacking on Slime in my spare time.
The talk will hence cover best practises, and will hopefully teach you lots of tips. It's also an opportunity to ask questions, give feedback, and request features / changes.
After the talk, I'd suggest to go to some bar, lounge or some such to finish the evening smoothly...
There's one open issue, though; where should the meeting hold place?
Peter mentioned that previous meetings took place in some rooms of the University of Munich---organized by someone on this list. Is this person still on the list, or can anyone comment on this?
Or does anyone have another idea of a suitable location?