If there are non-lispers invited then perhaps it might be nice to have an ongoing series of lectures (half hour plus questions) about cool lisp features or maybe Lisp for Dummies. This could also be useful for lisp beginners as well. Some examples. * How to use CLOS. * Methods before, after, around * Lexical vs dynamic scoping * Lexical closures, and higher order functions * Looping, iteration, and recursion * Implementing common data structues, queues, sets, tree, etc. * Installing LISP on your computer, which implementation, which architecture, which version? * Macros, why do we need them, what can we do with them? * Comparing common patterns in Perl, Python, Java, C, and LISP Is anyone interested in seeing any of these or other item presented? Does anyone volunteer to present such a topic for this meeting or an upcoming one? -jim Wolfgang Mederle wrote:
Listers, Lispers,
I have an official reservation for our meeting room now. It's going to be room 1.05, reserved from 17:00-22:00. We have a projector (1024x768) and should also have internet access.
You get to the room by entering the building at the main entrance (aisle has map), turning right, going up, turning right again and walking along until you see the number on the right.
I'd like to advertise the meeting to our students. What are you planning to show/discuss?