On 06.01.2005, at 13.27 Uhr, Alexander Burger wrote:
Hi to everybody (and especially to Wolfgang!),
as Jim told at our last (and first) meeting, Wolfgang might have some opportunity to organize a room.
How is the situation? Are the chances good? Just wondering ...
Sorry for the delay in answering, but I'm busy preparing for exams ... Today I went to the man who's responsible for rooms at our University building. It should be no problem getting a room in the evening, especially not during lecture-free time which will start Feb. 13. I would reserve the room a week before, if possible. Location is Oettingenstr. 67 near Chinesischer Turm, MVG Hirschauer Str. (Bus [1]54) or Tivolistr. (Tram 17). Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Mederle wolfgang.mederle@stud.uni-muenchen.de * GPG key id E8EF7E7F <URL:http://www.mederle.de/> ICQ# 1435333 * AIM therealmadearl