Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
On that experience, does anyone want to present something in the end of September?
Since I would really like to have a meeting in september, I /could/ provide a very short introduction to lispbuilder-sdl. But actually I have a lot of work to do at the moment, thus, it would be /very/ short and I would only do it if really no other presenter can be found.
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
I would be interested in the introduction to LLVM which was - iirc - announced in the munich-lisp entry on the ALU-Wiki (where is it gone, btw?), or maybe into the Parrot VM, even though both are not directly lisp-related. CSS