since it seems to be difficult to find a room for the meeting, I decided to check with the room planning people in my institute as well: It is definitely possible for me to get a seminar or lecture room with a beamer for the upcoming munich-lisp meeting in the geophysics institute on relatively short notice -- in the evening the rooms are usually free anyway.
I would have to ask again if we wanted to install some sort of jour fixe, but I guess at the moment that's unrealistic anyway as the meetings are sporadic and irregular.
The room I could offer would be in the fourth floor of Theresienstraße 41, above the museum "Reich der Kristalle" (http://www.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de/welcome/anfahrt).
Ciao, Thomas
Since that is in the same building as the room I would try to get, well, I would prefer your room (and most other people shouldnt care). Cu, Christoph