Sven Klose <pixel@copei.de> writes:
Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
Since half a year just passed I'd be quite fine with the part where people sit together and have some booze.
As no one else seems to want to show off anything, I will happily do it for it's fun to me---it's one of the few gratifications of doing Open Source stuff. Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009, I'd like to show you something I've been working on this week. It's a library to enable you writing functions operating on sequences (like FIND, SEARCH, etc.) in a reasonably concise and still efficient way. Now, let's talk about the location. Where did Marek do his presentation last time? -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner