Hi Wolfgang,
I have an official reservation for our meeting room now. It's going to be room 1.05, reserved from 17:00-22:00. We have a projector (1024x768) and should also have internet access.
Ok, that's nice. Thank you.
I'd like to advertise the meeting to our students. What are you planning to show/discuss?
Jim asked me to talk about the Pico Lisp object system. For a better understanding, I'd like to give a basic introduction to Pico Lisp and an overview about its vertical architecture first, making the reasons behind that object system more clear. I'll keep the presentation as open as possible to allow room for disucssions. Cheers, - Alex Alexander Burger Software Lab. / 7fach GmbH Bahnhofstr. 24a, D-86462 Langweid abu@software-lab.de, http://www.software-lab.de, +49 821 9907090