Hi everybody, thanks Jorge for the effort of setting up doodle. It was indeed a nice meeting. I also would be interessted in a hackathon, maybe one Saturday every few months or so. Anybody interested? Any ideas how to organise? Have a nice weekend, Heinrich -- Funktionale Programmierung Dr. Heinrich Hördegen Gutenbergstr. 26 80638 München FON: +49 (89) 12 59 79 49 FAX: +49 (89) 12 59 79 50 hoerdegen@funktional.info www.funktional.info -- On 10.03.2011 15:22, Jorge Tavares wrote:
Hello everybody,
Yesterday meeting was a success! We had two talks and at the end a small discussion. Lorenz gave us a nice overview about his work using Lisp in robotics, which was quite interesting. I gave a small overview of urandom, a prng library.
Everyone was in favor of meeting more regularly, even if no "big/fancy" talk is scheduled. Something like meeting for a beer and talk about Lisp, what people are doing, etc. As such, it was agreed to try to arrange a meeting around the first week of every month. The exact time and place is decided through doodle and the mailing list.
So, for April's meeting (4-9), here is the link: http://www.doodle.com/ykahw5vn67psvteq. Come and bring a friend :-)
Cheers, Jorge